Example sentences of "[pron] have be [adv] assume [that] " in BNC.

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1 Although it has been traditionally assumed that Labour Governments are more susceptible to defeat in the Lords than Conservative administrations , Brazier concludes that the Lords have been surprisingly even-handed in dealing out legislative defeats .
2 It has been commonly assumed that in controversy even if we could finally agree on what is objectively so , the moral debate has not yet started ; you can still find good what I find bad , and unless we discover common principles from which to argue , the debate can never begin at all .
3 In the basic Gaussian method just described , it has been tacitly assumed that all errors are equally likely .
4 It has been tacitly assumed that someone , somewhere in an organization collates economic facts and integrates them through a rigorous form of evaluation , so that decisions become almost self-evident provided only that the decision-makers realize that no one can make perfect predictions and that some allowance for uncertainties is needed .
5 As her mother 's name was the same as her own , it has been mistakenly assumed that Mrs Coade , the mother , ran the factory until her death in 1796 , but ‘ Mrs ’ was a courtesy title for any unmarried woman in business at that time , and bills show that Miss Coade was in charge from 1771 .
6 It had been widely assumed that he would succeed Sir Robert Scholey when the chairman steps down .
7 In the early decades of the century it had been widely assumed that the distinct geographical provinces of the modern world had only come into existence quite recently in geological terms .
8 In so far as Whitehall had considered these matters it had been vaguely assumed that a status quo ante would be established and the Dutch in the Netherlands East Indies , the French in Indochina , and the Colonial Office in Burma and Malaya would resume their rightful sway .
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