Example sentences of "[pron] have not [adv] been able " in BNC.

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1 I had not yet been able to fathom why .
2 Despite many years of searching , I have not yet been able to track down any other source of reference on the design and construction of valve pre and power amplifiers .
3 This is crazy , because I have not yet been able to decide what Claudia was like .
4 I have not even been able to describe all the various tackle items now available for carp fishing .
5 The French minister of industry , Dominique Strauss-Kahn , Thursday announced that the French government has paid SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV the first part of the $466m in research and development aid it agreed to pay over five years — the Italian government is supposed to pay the same amount over the same period : ‘ I have signed with SGS-Thomson a contract for a multi-year development effort in France ; the sums for 1993 , $83m from both sides , have been paid , ’ he said ; a spokeswoman for SGS-Thomson in Paris said she had not yet been able to confirm Strauss-Kahn 's assertion ; the separate recapitalisation , which Brussels recently approved , is still conditional on a firm decision being taken on the Italian side , and would be effected in three payments — $227m split evenly between the two partners and an identical payment three months later ; the third payment of $455m is set to be made in 1995 .
6 Nevertheless , the inflow of complaints continues to grow and I am disturbed that we have not yet been able to make much of an inroad into the backlog of work .
7 Even though we have not yet been able to predict any of these quantities from superstring theory , many people believe that we will be able to do so eventually .
8 We have not yet been able to review the data ’ , he says .
9 Police said they had not yet been able to identify the man but he is not believed to be local .
10 In Eastern Europe the opposition movements which began to grow rapidly in the 1980s were finally successful in bringing about the collapse of the communist regimes , but they have not yet been able to create an acceptable and stable new order ; nationalist movements have proliferated , and a new labour movement has emerged which contests the policy of restoring free-market capitalism that has so far produced only economic disaster .
11 In spite of the considerable popularity of Tough 's framework , she has not subjected the specific strategies to a rigorous examination of reliability and , when other researchers have attempted to replicate her work , they have not always been able to demonstrate good agreement between different observers ( Wells 1979 ) .
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