Example sentences of "[pron] have [adv] turned [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm relieved to see slow-dancing with me has n't turned out to be the traumatic experience you obviously feared . ’
2 I 'd just turned right off the B1 150 at Fairstead when I nearly crashed into the back of this unlit car skewed across the road .
3 I 'd just turned on to York Way when I spotted the two city gents who 'd been drinking in the pub .
4 I had now turned right across the width of the mill where another staircase led up to the top floor .
5 He adds that only two computer companies so far have sent manufacturing groups out to see what Crec is doing — IBM Corp , and ICL Plc , which has really turned on to ergonomics and the environment since it bought Nokia Data AB .
6 I 'm not writing anything off because I 've had problems like this in the past which have suddenly turned round in a week .
7 In some cases , purchasers of leasehold properties have made assumptions about the level of service charges they would be required to pay which have subsequently turned out to seriously underestimate the increases which the manager has in fact levied over a number of years .
8 I think she should have played a Tour Event before an exhibition event , but then again it would n't be the first time she has n't turned up for a Tour Event would it ?
9 Lewis , standing at the front gate , had managed to catch most of the exchanges ; had watched Mrs Williams as she 'd finally turned away from Morse in tearful distress .
10 Mrs Allen 's body was found at her Harberton Park home on Tuesday morning after a senior officer at the Maze informed Banbridge police that she had not turned up for work .
11 When , as a child , he had been desperate for her love , and had offered his own , she had always turned away from him .
12 But whatever talents she had once had , she had now turned ferociously against them , whereas her husband did still pay a curious self-willed homage to the intellectual virtues ; he possessed an 1895 edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica which he would , from time to time , read .
13 Although she had consistently turned away from singing opportunities — ‘ The more people nagged , the more I was determined to stay away ’ — she realised that this was something that , say , Lulu would never even consider .
14 You had n't turned up for that date .
15 Instead of acquiring fairly smoothly a bigger version of the cosy old federal republic , with its powerful economy and low political profile , they have inherited an unknown country packed with problems and with people who have mostly turned out to be German-speaking strangers .
16 Knighthoods go to the class acts , the Andrew Lloyd Webbers of this world , as well as the dull but self-important people who have merely turned up at their desks in Whitehall for enough years .
17 He kept forgetting they would write it down : he seems to have thought — most of the time — that they had just turned up for a friendly drink .
18 ( In good humour he has already turned back to the mime : the two SPIES awaiting execution at the hands of the PLAYER ) Audiences know what to expect , and that is all that they are prepared to believe in .
19 He has not turned up for the past two meetings of the Supreme National Council , which he chairs and which is supposed to govern Cambodia , in conjunction with the UN , in the period up to the election .
20 He has not turned out for the village team since .
21 He has not turned out for the village team since .
22 The paradox is that while mathematics appears to be based on axioms rather than empirical knowledge ( although some have argued that it is rooted ultimately in the ‘ one-twoness ’ of things ) , it has nevertheless turned out to be remarkably fruitful in enabling us to understand the physical and to a lesser extent social world ; it is as if we had invented a game which turned out to be real .
23 After having to take development and marketing of its VX and MVX Intel Corp 80860-based graphics accelerator boards back under its wing after the collapse of its partner in that area , Fremont , California-based Vicom Systems Inc ( UX No 381 ) , Sun Microsystems Inc is hoping for more success with its SunVision graphics software environment which it has now turned over to Advanced Visual Systems Inc .
24 It had not turned out like that .
25 Mr. Maton had worked for many years as a solicitor 's clerk , he had not turned up for work that day , the young man sent to check the reason had found Mr. Maton dead in the kitchen , the small loaf collected on his way home from work the previous evening still in its wrapping on the table .
26 The judge was told that although the girl 's father was due to appear in court as a witness , he had not turned up at the hearing because the couple now planned to marry .
27 Although Stan was older and previously dominant , by virtue of being the only dog , he had not turned out to be the natural leader of he pair .
28 He had just turned away from us and read a book .
29 As he spoke , he had already turned abruptly on his heel and was leading her in swift strides across the wide hallway .
30 ‘ My family were Huguenots , my lady , and therefore unwanted in la belle France , ’ D'Alembord 's contemptuous scorn for France made the Countess bridle , but he had already turned back to Lucille .
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