Example sentences of "[pron] have [been] accepted for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Of the 23 disabled professionals who had been accepted for training as disabled people , eight reported that their entry qualifications were better than average , and five thought that this had been a major factor in their acceptance for training .
2 Of the 23 health and caring professionals who had been accepted for training as disabled people , eight had experienced difficulty .
3 Our Society has four doctors who have been accepted for service .
4 With only two exceptions you all did very well in your qualifying examinations and I am very proud of the school 's results , but , I am sorry , only twelve of you have been accepted for Form 1 . ’
5 They had been accepted for admission before the onset of dementia ( most sheltered housing associations would not accept a new tenant who was already showing evidence of dementia ) , but with increasing age in the sheltered housing population cases are likely to occur more frequently .
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