Example sentences of "[pron] be said that [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For a week they accepted generous hospitality and it is said that on the evening before the massacre their leader played cards with McIan and his family .
2 Nor were beards a feature of traditional Republican portraits , though it is said that in the early Republic the Romans wore beards and long hair .
3 It is said that in the time of Shang they would take a tortoise shell and cover it with ink , then throw it into a fire .
4 It is said that in the United States the overload of cases and the dominance of the system by plea bargaining mean that the theoretical presumption of innocence is replaced by an actual presumption of guilt in which the costs to the defendant of contesting his or her innocence are frequently overpowering .
5 It is said that in the under 16 age group one in six no longer eats meat .
6 Seve 's always been convinced the Americans have got it in for him , anyway , but he 's said that about the French , the Italians , the Japanese .
7 Cottrell ( N.C. , 1980 ) it was said that as the function being exercised was more administrative than judicial the attendance and cross-examination of witnesses , from whom statements had been taken , at a formal hearing was unnecessary .
8 It was said that on the first occasion that a female student ‘ scrubbed ’ with him he was reaching the end of a long case and held up the piece of cat-gut slung under the ureter ( to identify it and keep it safe during the dissection ) , saying ‘ Cut ! ’
9 There were complaints when Hitler 's speech to the Party ‘ old guard ’ in Munich on 8 November was not broadcast , for it was said that in the disappointment about the unfulfilled expectations from the Russian campaign many people ‘ had felt the need to hear the voice of the Führer again and to derive new strength from his words ’ .
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