Example sentences of "[pron] be [vb pp] all [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In more recent times , the present owners turned the old peasants ' houses , which are scattered all over the estate , into pleasant apartments .
2 High above them , the base of the Bridge passed through a cone of semi-transparent cables , which were anchored all around the edge of the depression , before continuing downwards to merge smoothly with the bubble itself .
3 After we finish we have an interview with JBTV ; a local cable music show which is broadcast all over the country .
4 Both Jarlshof and Ness of Burgi have been covered in the thin film of oil which was deposited all over the southern part of Shetland .
5 He returned for five days in November 1991 when Selena Scott made a TV film A Prince Among Islands , which was shown all over the world .
6 We 've got 37,000 members who are spread all over the country .
7 He was standing next to her pebble , yelling through a megaphone at the other beetles who were scattered all over the sheet measuring up circles drawn round all the various pebbles .
8 They are used all over the school . ’
9 And th th th they 're known all over the world .
10 They 're spread all over the country , which is why I have to travel so much and why the Consulate had difficulty tracing me . ’
11 They were exhibited all over the world , and appeared in London at the Egyptian Hall in 1829 .
12 And they spurred forward to pursue and take him , no doubt believing it a happy chance for them , and the Lord Owen caused his horse to appear to drop lame , and so encouraged and led them until they were spread all along the field in open order , within close range of the bowmen in the woods .
13 Every St Kildan family owned a number of cleits and they were scattered all over the island , many of them convenient to the bird cliffs because ‘ fresh ’ birds were much heavier than those that had dried out , and everything had to be carried back to the village eventually .
14 They were shipped all over the world Spain , Australia and South America being popular destinations .
15 ‘ Why somebody 's left an 'ole choc-ice on the floor , and it 's run all over the place .
16 They 've nae room for it , here at Kelvingrove , so it 's kept all over the west of Scotland hidden away . ’
17 It 's used all over the world — hotel trade jargon .
18 ‘ Do n't be so modest , Archie , ’ said Robins , adding for my benefit , ‘ The colonel is responsible for all manner of things — the daily radio link — ‘ the sked ’ as it 's known all over the Pacific-crime and punishment , what happens if the electricity breaks down . ’
19 Agriculture is not like defence — a matter of being privy to private information ; it is splattered all over the journals .
20 It undoubtedly owes its early discovery by both scientists and the hobby to its distribution pattern ; it is found all along the main drainage of the Amazon in relatively accessible waters , unlike some of the more recent introductions ( eg A.nijsseni , A.macmasteri ) which have a very restricted range in small bodies of water off the beaten track .
21 Although it 's more expensive than the regional wines , it is sold all over the country .
22 Although he 's travelled all over the world taking stills , Mexico and the Bahamas last year , Thailand and Kampuchea before that , of all the beautiful places he 's visited and the stunning scenery he 's witnessed , his favourite place is the bottom of the sea .
23 By 1800 the new Shorthorn was Britain 's tallest breed , the bulls standing 152cm at the withers ; the famous Durham Ox was 165cm tall and weighed 3,024 pounds as a five-year-old in 1801 when it was exhibited all over the country , remaining a star travelling showpiece until it dislocated its hip in 1807 .
24 Lavender 's use can be traced back to the Greeks and Romans and it is more than likely that it was used all round the Mediterranean by Egyptians , Arabs , and Sumerians for a variety of domestic , cosmetic and perfumery needs .
25 But , but , genes themselves are spread all over the perimeter , so you might well find that er genes there 's more of them
26 What were known all over the world as ‘ English gardens ’ were the most pervasive influence that England ever had on the European way of life' , wrote Lord Clark .
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