Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] fair [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Unless you 're Peter Pan , in which case you probably believe in fairies as well , it 's probably fair to say that you are only young once .
2 Interestingly enough , even with a wide range of prices and types of hotel-style accommodation available , it 's probably fair to say that the majority of guests expect en suite bathroom facilities as standard .
3 As to the rest of the disc , it 's perhaps fair to state that Klemperer 's Johann Strauss will not please those who favour a relaxed ‘ Wienerisch ’ approach to such music , but there can surely be few complaints about the Mendelssohn .
4 I think it 's therefore fair to say that perhaps even in Russell 's own eyes , his original epistemological programme , which occupied a great deal of his time and writing , between erm nineteen-twelve and erm the thirties , in fact broke down .
5 It is probably fair to say that some environmentalists have been careful not to over-identify with those involved in the animal welfare or animal rights movements .
6 Initially , it is probably fair to say that the NHS has always been a prolific collector of data , usually fairly basic data and almost always for bureaucratic purposes whether to satisfy regional or national demands for returns .
7 It is probably fair to say that the subject is too urgent to be left until the ASB can find time .
8 But , it is probably fair to say that any relatively new and expanding area lacks this global treatment .
9 It is probably fair to say that very few hotels in all of Italy can pride themselves on such an enviable position as the Hotel Italia .
10 It is probably fair to say that relatively few such unions are undertaken in conscious expectation of their brief nature .
11 It is probably fair to say that full-time tribunal chairmen are considered of roughly equal status to circuit judges , with Presidents , regional chairmen and lawyer members of appellate tribunals roughly equal to High Court judges .
12 It is probably fair to say that you can not really hope to run an adequate national TV campaign in the UK for less than about £750000 ; or a national poster campaign for less than £250000 .
13 However , it is probably fair to say that systems theory is closer to a positivist approach than the views which will now be considered .
14 In general , it is probably fair to say that the Philadelphia neighbourhood studies provide a better general model for the in-depth study of communities located at various points in the class continuum .
15 It is probably fair to say that communication has sometimes been more effective at very local level where local sharing of concerns over mutual clients has been possible where inter-agency relationships are good .
16 Although the sciences had begun to develop in English universities in the nineteenth century ( following Scottish innovations ) , it is probably fair to say that the dominant culture of the universities was founded on the humanities up to and even a little beyond the Second World War .
17 It is probably fair to say that although some aspects of the economy were stimulated by war , for most merchants it was primarily a source of problems .
18 It is probably fair to say that continued detailed study of the Lorenz equations will go on throwing out new ideas of general applicability , despite their rather special properties ( e.g. symmetry ) .
19 It is probably fair to say that the shorter the time limit imposed by the clause , the more strictly it will be interpreted .
20 On balance , it is probably fair to say that the odds have now moved slightly in its favour .
21 While not denying the clinical value of the EEG as a non-invasive technique it is probably fair to conclude that electro-physiological research has so far not contributed anything new to our knowledge of cerebral asymmetry but rather has corroborated findings from other areas of investigation .
22 Yet it is probably fair to suggest that few people could have been immune from the implications of the party struggle at Westminster , since decisions taken by the central government often had a direct affect on ordinary people 's lives , and few people could have avoided being exposed to the political controversies of the day through the various media of propaganda .
23 In the present state of research it is probably fair to suggest that although influence did have a powerful impact on the outcome of a number of elections , on the whole the electorate was not particularly easy to control , and that members of the political elite , despite all their efforts , often failed to achieve their ends .
24 Nevertheless it is probably fair to assume that a private customer 's needs will be for " standard " investments .
25 However it is also fair to say that the professional leaders sometimes expected too much from the change ; it is no slur on an honourable movement within the American profession that its initial success did not immediately bring the golden age .
26 It is also fair to suggest that the Labour Party benefited from the rising unemployment of the 1920s for it claimed , successfully in the 1920s , that although it could not solve unemployment , which was a product of a capitalist society , it would at least ensure that the unemployed were guaranteed a level of benefits which would ensure healthy life .
27 I shall not repeat what I said to the Government of India , but it is perfectly fair to say that it was well taken .
28 It is therefore fair to say that , as a general rule , the courts are prepared to imply some degree of mobility into every contract of employment but this is likely to be limited unless the nature of the job or work performed by the employee is one where mobility would be recognised by both sides as being essential to the job .
29 Despite the entry for a time of media conglomerates such as the Mirror Group and Thomsons into the West African press , I think it is still fair to say that the primary motivation for producing a newspaper in Nigeria is political rather than commercial .
30 Nevertheless , it is only fair to say that this marks a period of ‘ boom ’ in house prices .
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