Example sentences of "[pron] face as [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My own dead-straight mousy fringe and dimpled chin framed my face as it distorted in agony .
2 I felt the heat hit my face as I stared through the opening with narrowed eyes .
3 Howard gazes out of the window of his official car at people in the streets , trying to read the expression on their faces as they wait for buses or try to cross the road .
4 Great , round clouds rolled slowly across the sky like whales and a chill wind slapped their faces as they clattered along the pavement to Angelo 's Cafe .
5 If his hair swayed into her face as they settled in the bus she wanted to hold it , to rub her cheek on it , to put it to her lips , and she thought there would be no pleasure in the world like giving in to him , which she had been anticipating with impatience but anxiety for so long .
6 She was dressed in black , as always , making Riven wonder sourly if she were mourning someone , but there was a bright smile on her face as she took in the battered condition of Murtach 's patrol ; the bandaged Hearthwares , the clawed mounts and the weary eyes of them all .
7 Realising she 'd been dismissed , Kate did as she was bidden , but there was a thoughtful look on her face as she took in Dara 's furious expression and Ace 's non-committal one .
8 Julia , wearing a black leather jacket and faded jeans , hid her face as she scurried through Heathrow .
9 He wondered what was wrong , wishing he had had a chance to talk to Ruth — though from the expression on her face as she hovered behind Cashman she did n't know either .
10 Her face as she stood outside the register office , with that big municipal clock behind her , ticking off those first glistening moments of nuptial bliss .
11 The tears had run down her face as she stood at the sink , washing up after tea .
12 He read out her time of departure , time of arrival and flight number , advising her to write it all down as if she was a half-wit , and she was glad he was n't there to see her face as she scrabbled for a pen and paper .
13 His hands cupped her face as he moved over her sensuously and Maggie moved beneath him , her breath a wild gasping sound that brought more pressure from the sleek , demanding body .
14 He kicked his horse with a small , angry sense of mourning and followed Bicker as they made their way out of the square to the gates of the Rorim ; felt the wind rasp his face as they left behind the shelter of the buildings .
15 The rapture of vision was still on his face as she hunkered over the heater , trying to get the chill out of her fingers .
16 She saw the flicker of pain cross his face as she spoke of Lizzy and guessed that he was thinking of his own daughter .
17 She could feel his hard member pushing into her spine , the sweat on his face as it rubbed against her neck , and her own need was all consuming .
18 A sly grin crossed his face as he thought of an alternative billet in which to spend what remained of the night .
19 She could see the small scar on his right cheek and the firm jaw and the paleness of his face as he struggled with some inner demon .
20 He had a formidable reputation as a hard , cryptic , ruthless man whose god was perfection and whose greatest intolerance was for any weakness or sentiment which undermined it ; but there was something in his face as he looked at me which was very like kindness .
21 She could n't interpret the expression on his face as he looked at her .
22 Afterwards they lay together and Kate was amazed at the expression of tenderness on his face as he looked at her .
23 He was tucked away in a corner , the only man on his own , a solitary candle illuminating his face as he pored over the paper on which he was writing .
24 At their abrupt entrance he rose to his feet , surprise and concern crossing his face as he glanced from her to fitzAlan .
25 Cut to close-up of blood trickling from his face as he fell against the rail .
26 Holly saw his face as he passed behind him on the perimeter path , a face that was scraped with despair .
27 For a moment the flesh hung slackly on his face as he gaped at the damage , and then he sucked up his lips and took a deep breath .
28 Stapleton quickly managed to hide the look of surprise and disappointment on his face as he turned towards us .
29 Anyone who has used the technique of showing to a client edited video tape of research in progress on a group of consumers at a presentation , will notice the rapt expression on his face as he looks at real people talking about his product .
30 De Villiers was left talking to the air , a very thoughtful look on his face as he leaned against the doorway and watched fitzAlan stride across the bailey , towing Isabel behind him .
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