Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [adv] able [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He spoke about how he had appreciated the colleagueship of the Methodist pastor in Crackow and I was then able to say that there were indeed Methodists in Italy and the Protestant Church , although small in number is quite significant , particularly in its work among refugees and migrant workers .
2 This proposal was readily dismissed by geophysicists who were easily able to demonstrate that the Earth is far too strong to be deformed by such tidal forces .
3 The simplest cultural dimension is to use local authority administrative areas but these often lag behind significant changes in population composition , and although Robertson 's ( 1961 ) classification already outlined , defined 75 per cent of the areas as rural-urban , she was also able to comment that this reflected not only the extent of the outward movement from towns , but also the inadequacy of the census definition of rural population , namely all persons living in administrative Rural Districts .
4 Said Brian , ‘ We were then able to ascertain that the cards were counterfeit .
5 We were indeed able to confirm that pairs of dunnocks were often joined by a third bird in breeding , but this provided a mere foretaste of what was to come .
6 In Leicester the Council got a Nonconformist chaplain for the workhouse and it was also able to ensure that the new public cemetery would be ‘ unsectarian ’ , that is , without an Anglican Chapel .
7 He was also able to report that under the new chief executive , David Michels , the group had regained control of its runaway balance sheet position by selling its Ashbourne nursing home division , launching a well-received rights issue and restructuring the banking arrangements with a considerable reduction in the number of banks .
8 He was soon able to report that the British government was recovering from its " kind of extreme retrogression to nineteenth-century attitudes " .
9 He was only able to shed that bondage through a charismatic experience which reassured him that he was a child of God .
10 He was never able to reveal that his life was pure hell .
11 ‘ No ! ’ he said in a hoarse scream ; and even then he was still able to feel that it must be by the grace of God that what felt like the terror of an animal in extremity should produce a cry of respectable human rage .
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