Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [det] doubt that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 THERE 'S little doubt that over the past decade the British public has been moving towards the Tory party 's ideal of a nation of home owners .
2 ‘ I do n't think there 's much doubt that as a person I ranked pretty low , but for me — ’ she shook her head ‘ — well , I 've just never felt so attracted , so compelled by someone , the way I did with him .
3 There is little doubt that under any future administration we will get a larger supply of index-linked gilts . ’
4 Even if it is likely that a Labour administration would have failed in the round to solve Britain 's fundamental problems , there is little doubt that at a minimum there would have been a substantial redistribution of income and some attempt to reform the City , regulate public utilities more strongly and determinedly tackle the homelessness problem .
5 There is little doubt that in the Monopolies and Mergers Commission-inspired upheaval in the brewing industry Scottish represents the most obvious entry into the British beerage by an overseas group .
6 There is little doubt that in his reference to ‘ people ’ he was excluding Professor Barker for whom he had a high regard .
7 The Financial Times , for example ( 1986 ) , has suggested that ‘ there is little doubt that in commercial terms the LDDC has been a success ’ .
8 Yet there is little doubt that in most countries a good deal more could be done to get people talking and thinking about proposed changes .
9 This is not so , however : there is little doubt that in both interpretations pencil refers to the whole object ( or at least potentially does so ) .
10 There is little doubt that in this case human judgement would need the help of instrumentation .
11 Nevertheless there is little doubt that in the cases of Frederick and Joseph at least a feeling that an enlightened ruler ought to be above merely personal and family considerations , that it was his duty to sacrifice them ruthlessly on the altar of the State , was a factor in their behaviour to their own blood relations .
12 There is little doubt that by going on to the offensive the UN force saved Zaire from being cut in two by civil war .
13 Furthermore , there is little doubt that within the Hebrew scriptures , there are recorded some of the most valuable pieces of wisdom and rules for righteous living , as are to be found anywhere , and it is these particular tenets and doctrines , which need to be separated , completely and utterly from the dogmatic claims of ‘ god-given ’ rights and superiorities which have always been , and always will be , unacceptable to the rest of the human race .
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