Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] seem to be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Surprisingly , in the last decades is that literary studies , perhaps especially classical studies , which may seem to be at the other extreme of the academic spectrum from the sciences , have shown themselves more self confident in the use of computers than history has done , even though history is closer to the social sciences which have for long been acclimatized to quantification and computerization .
2 Moreover , in this particular case the justices were hearing this application on 27 January 1992 against the background which included the making of a full care order on 15 May 1991 , an order which , as I have already indicated , was made after hearing submissions by the guardian ad litem and by the local authority which might seem to be in marked distinction to the submissions being made now , only a few months later .
3 The animals develop normally , and are fertile and immunologically competent , which would seem to be at variance with the idea that p53 is involved in these apoptosis-associated processes .
4 Fifth , there is the period of acceptance , which can seem to be in stark contrast to the depths of despair of the previous stage .
5 There would seem to be at least four such criteria .
6 ( He does not even make any special point about the dishonesty which there would seem to be in doing this when acceptance of those claims is not the cause of one 's own attitude — to do so would be , from his point of view , to play the moralist rather than the philosopher who should simply describe ethical discourse . )
7 Other conundra m–y appear rather less cosmically' relevant ; they may seem to be of little importance yet , like Mercury 's orbit , may prove in the long term to be extremely important .
8 They would seem to be of integral importance to any manager or coach handling black sportsmen , yet few theorize at any level other than the physiological or , more occasionally , the psychological .
9 Due to a multiplicity of problems , the ‘ proper course of action ’ was not as evident as it might seem to be in retrospect .
10 It would seem to be on a par with the famous ‘ Let them eat cake ’ attributed to Marie Antoinette .
11 In such a state , driven by the worst fear of all , that of sudden death , and given that they are all approximately equal in power , it would seem to be in men 's interests that they reach some agreement , each to have only as much liberty as he is prepared to allow to others .
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