Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] put a [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 The time and effort demanded of them may put a strain on their relationship with a partner , who may have been looking forward to the years when they could be alone again as a couple .
2 I 'll put a plaster on it and forget about it . ’
3 So I 've got a two there I 'll put a tick on that so I 've got two times I 've got another two so I always put my smallest ones on the left so I can find them quickly .
4 All right , I 'll put a sling on that arm , and if the pain gets worse you must promise to take yourself to the hospital . ’
5 this part of the fire , he says , Jimmy says well I 'll put a label on it then , well why do n't ya ?
6 ‘ First , my dear young lady , ’ I told her , ‘ you 'll get warm and dry , and I 'll put a bandage on that wound .
7 How many is not many , , I 'll put a figure on it .
8 I could put a handle on him .
9 I wish I 'd put a jumper on
10 I 'd put a tape on and turn the radio off .
11 Er if I was in power I 'd put a tax on every child after two I would have taxed you out of existence Ellen .
12 To see if the fish are interested now , because they are still interested in bronze maggot , I will put a grain on the hook .
13 Well you must put a coat on you know .
14 She could put a spell on him , ’ Carrie said .
15 Celia said , before she could put a brake on her tongue : ‘ You really think Ivor 's dead ? ’
16 You could put a flower on it 's nose to cover it up .
17 Canadian Pound told a breakfast press conference for journalists : ‘ The best of riders can not win without a good horse — you could put a dog on a horse and it would still win . ’
18 You can put a histogram on the machine , without actually having the numbers there , and this conveys information , I think , visually very rapidly .
19 ‘ And if you can put a smile on someone 's face at the same time , that 's great . ’
20 Erm you know you can look at that or you can put a protractor on it and
21 I reckon we should put a halt on this bloody hundred thousands do n't you ?
22 and we 'll put a cross on the bottom of it and I 'll put you a piece of plywood across it and you can stick your nuts on or whatever
23 I must say erm I , I do wonder whether the district council might be enabled to say unless goods are sold from a car boot this is not a car boot sale er , therefore , we would put a ban on all commercial vans and vehicle entering these sites er that 's not being articles described in the er in the er maybe that 's something you could look at .
24 ‘ We want to see proper education and we have said we will put a penny on income tax to provide it at all levels from the age of three upwards . ’
25 We will put a duty on local councils to work in partnership with the police and the community to prevent crime .
26 They should put a collar on it . ’
27 ‘ I wish I could go myself but if she complains and London hears about it they 'll put a stop on me doing anything .
28 if they phone ca call the police , they 'll put a tracer on it
29 It makes people think they 're invincible , they can put a seatbelt on and they 'll be all right .
30 well I mean the heart 's the most obvious organ , but I mean it must put a strain on everything else
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