Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] already [verb] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 She had already experienced difficulty in pinning her fellow walker down to an interview and , for all she could tell , might have further difficulty in that area .
2 The Portuguese authorities announced on March 28 , 1990 , an amnesty for the parents of Chinese illegal immigrants who had already secured residence in Macao .
3 In January 1340 Edward formally assumed the title of king of France ( to which he had already laid claim in 1337 ) , perhaps to make his Flemish allies feel that they were legally entitled to help him oppose their traditional lord , the king of France .
4 The man has ninety-one previous convictions , but was released because he had already spent time in jail on remand .
5 The man has ninety-one previous convictions , but was released because he had already spent time in jail on remand .
6 Of course , he had already used colour in a non-imitative way , but after 1930 ; in part as a result of using paper-cutouts to help with the design of the Barnes mural he realised that colour could have a tangible reality of its own .
7 He had already advised Donleavy in his bi-weekly reports that Hurley 's security arrangements were derisory , that all sorts of people with no clear allegiance were wandering in and out of NARCOG , ostensibly selling information but just as likely collecting it ; that agents and bona fide informants were being put at risk because of this , and that future DEA or inter-agency operations might well be fatally compromised from the start .
8 No subjects reported having expected a memory test even though many of them had already taken part in Study 1 .
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