Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] used to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Yes — I never used to be tidy , you know , but since the children grew up I 'm less able to tolerate mess — and Christmas is so messy ! ’
2 I never used to be able to read good before I went into prison : I used to get into the book and think , ‘ What 's that word ? ’ and then cut the word down to size until I made up what it was .
3 You even used to be able to bring them here with you .
4 She never used to be tired .
5 And you were n't you see you actually used to be interesting when you were talking and sit complete miserable bastard like Patrick does .
6 We never used to be able to go and play anywhere take this one with you .
7 Well we had er , th there always used to be one man aboard the dumb hopper , wh they used to leave there for Monday morning and they used to p him , a man with him .
8 Which was , say , when they 'd started the the roll of bacon , there always used to be some little bits before they got the full rashers , well , you could n't sell those , you could n't s I mean even though things were tight in those days , you could n't sell any sort of bacon , you either sold best back , or you sold belly bacon .
9 And er well you go further through and you can go to the erm And the the Narrowmarsh it was narrow and all , you could shake hands with one another o off the but it now is all council houses is built down there now where they only used to be ordinary little houses .
10 They look better They all used to be one colour before but we 've now extended the range and so they 've put them in different colour bottles .
11 There is a primitive look to them : they are small ( perhaps 100cm at the withers , and weighing 280–300kg , though they probably used to be larger ) and very narrow in the hindquarters .
12 but it was n't like a long thing but like I , the time that I spent with him was like quite a long time , like the evening , whatever , so he 'd get , and like it just used to be constant pauses , it used to be terrible and so we used to get off with each other like you pause for , for what
13 Eleven o'clock , there were n't restrictions then on , they could keep open as long as they liked , no restrictions on , on time , and er as I say their own place you know it really it was picturesque , I thought in since erm I contacted you I 've been thinking how , what I could help with and er what I could still think about , and er it was really a sight because to walk and it always used to be crowded , well it was one of the best markets round here and er people used to go off and from Bloxwich and er although there 's a good market at Walsall there was n't a Bloxwich market then sadly for years and years , but erm and then if you went to Wolverhampton you got to walk through Windsfield you got to er walk everywhere you went then and except on a Saturday night when the wagonettes used to run on a Saturday but it was amazing to see the girl behind the range now controlling
14 And buy a sheep and come home with it and that over the bridge with it , all along and along er that road there and th and when we used to come from that school in , he used to be coming with a sheep on the string like this and the poor thing , I used to look at the old sheep and he often used to be tired you see .
15 It never used to be hard !
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