Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] [verb] at [art] beginning " in BNC.

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1 Erm I I missed at the beginning perhaps , that 's your present job still is it ?
2 However , that leaves the galleries open to pressure , when they come to the Minister and make points such as that which I made at the beginning of my speech — saying , for instance , that last year the Tate gallery could buy only one work of art .
3 However , I shall return to the four themes which I identified at the beginning , and which have been threaded through the discussion .
4 Each society , of course , has to deal with many specific problems arising from its own culture and history , but there are also some general issues to be faced , and the two which seem to me still to be pre-eminent are those which I indicated at the beginning of this book : namely , industrialization and democracy .
5 Structures of support between mothers and daughters are subject to all the individual variations which I mentioned at the beginning of this discussion , and at a more collective level , ethnic and cultural variation is very important , with some cultural traditions placing a less strong emphasis on this bond than does white Anglo-Saxon culture .
6 From this lengthy account the balanced reciprocity which I mentioned at the beginning becomes very clear but some of you may think that the detail is excessive .
7 Though I do believe Alfieri is still important for the role he plays which I mentioned at the beginning as it is clever of Miller to incorporate the ‘ narrator ’ into the play in this way although it is not an original idea as Shakespeare used it with his characters ' soliloquies .
8 And this is the other aspect of Freud 's debt to Darwin which I mentioned at the beginning but said I would hold over for later .
9 This case is the first of the modern Court of Appeal authorities to which I referred at the beginning of this judgment .
10 In nineteen ninety S C F began its work providing facilities for prisoner 's families in Crumlin road in Belfast , Norwich prison , Strangeways and here in London 's Holloway prison for women which I visited at the beginning of June .
11 Despite all this , the hopeful prophecy which we quoted at the beginning of this book has not been fulfilled .
12 did they actually have to claim how much , I mean er you know they produced , cos all we 're saying here is they 're just taking a a nominal amount which they stipulate at the beginning of a three year period , and they 're just gon na take that .
13 Today , 30 years after his death , Lewis is remembered more as the author of such enchanting children 's stories as The Lion , the Witch and the Wardrobe than as a writer and broadcaster on ethical and religious questions , but it is one of those BBC sermons which he delivers at the beginning of this play .
14 As the one you quoted at the beginning of the programme .
15 He has won 21 caps , five cup winners ’ medals with Bath and one with Harlequins whom he joined at the beginning of 1991 .
16 I come back finally to what I mentioned at the beginning of this chapter as the area of ‘ naturalism ’ more broadly conceived : that is to say , the question of founding human ethics on considerations of human nature , in some way which goes beyond merely respecting the limits , biological or other , on what human beings are able to do .
17 I did not know how he would take all this ; but at the end of the interview he rose and said , ‘ I agree entirely with what you said at the beginning .
18 No , would you tell me what sort of word it is remembering what we did at the beginning of the week
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