Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] have become [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I had previously spent about two years asking local social services and friends for help and not having it happen , so my flat had become pretty run down .
2 I had previously spent about two years asking local social services and friends for help and not having it happen , so my flat had become pretty run down .
3 ‘ In the circumstances , although I could have wished he 'd delayed his visit another hour or so , the edge of my temper had become somewhat dulled by recent events .
4 In the days since her visit to me , her mind had become so used to the idea of walking in the vicinity of birds that it had seemed quite a natural thing to do .
5 Actress , Suda Bhuchar , explains that she likes the positive role she plays and that her character has become more rounded in this , the second series .
6 He clearly understood that the postmodern audience is radically different from previous audiences in that it brings to the marketplace a set of ideal interests that are no longer connected with meanings , but in which demand has become increasingly oriented to detached , shallow , and meaningless signifiers that he obligingly produced .
7 He held strong fundamentalist Protestant views on religious matters , but appeared indifferent to social welfare issues , and his administration had become increasingly divided and unpopular , as reflected by a series of recent Cabinet resignations and by-election defeats .
8 His district has become popularly known as a disordered and lawless community .
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