Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [adv] [adj] suggest [that] " in BNC.

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1 A. The state of amphibians being so threatened at the moment , I am almost reluctant to suggest that anyone keeps native species , but I have to concede that the common toad Bufo bufo is a fascinating animal .
2 You are also right to suggest that I would not like to part with all of this .
3 Who said ‘ it 's completely absurd to suggest that there is anything unprofessional in my friendship with the Duchess .
4 It 's completely absurd to suggest that there is anything unprofessional in my friendship with the Duchess .
5 Er partly because it 's completely impractical to suggest that all patients should have an expensive er video flow study .
6 And it is equally inadequate to suggest that the audience should only respond morally , elevated by the supposed triumph of good over evil — even though for many people now this is undoubtedly the effect of tragedy .
7 It is not necessary to suggest that there will be conscious unfairness ; but it is , I submit , possible that such judges will , particularly in cases where the liberty of the subject is concerned , find themselves unconsciously biased through over-appreciation of executive difficulty …
8 It is not reasonable to suggest that hooliganism is merely inflated by the press and best treated by ‘ radical non-intervention ’ .
9 As shape and energy are interchangeable in biological systems , and as all biological reactions are shape-specific , it is not unreasonable to suggest that shape-specific water polymers are the basis of the activity of homoeopathic potencies .
10 Because prosecution is a last resort it is not unreasonable to suggest that the offe
11 ‘ With these rent levels , it is not unreasonable to suggest that companies in the South-East who are considering relocation are now thinking again , ’ said Mr Stringer .
12 It is not realistic to suggest that any meaning is possible .
13 It is not silly to suggest that we should consider those aspects .
14 It is wholly wrong to suggest that it is the European Community alone which has difficulties with the agriculture dossier .
15 It is thus tempting to suggest that the same X-box binding complex may act both as an activator and as a repressor .
16 It is probably pointless to suggest that Mr Brittlebank now seek ( not seeks ) the guidance on English usage so clearly denied him hitherto , but I hope he will think twice before presuming upon your columns on this particular subject in future .
17 Yet it is probably fair to suggest that few people could have been immune from the implications of the party struggle at Westminster , since decisions taken by the central government often had a direct affect on ordinary people 's lives , and few people could have avoided being exposed to the political controversies of the day through the various media of propaganda .
18 In the present state of research it is probably fair to suggest that although influence did have a powerful impact on the outcome of a number of elections , on the whole the electorate was not particularly easy to control , and that members of the political elite , despite all their efforts , often failed to achieve their ends .
19 It is clearly ridiculous to suggest that effective research can be carried out only in the absence of an adult experimenter .
20 It is also fair to suggest that the Labour Party benefited from the rising unemployment of the 1920s for it claimed , successfully in the 1920s , that although it could not solve unemployment , which was a product of a capitalist society , it would at least ensure that the unemployed were guaranteed a level of benefits which would ensure healthy life .
21 It is certainly counter-intuitive to suggest that widely separated systems retain such a degree of influence upon each other .
22 It is quite absurd to suggest that the US government , or any other food surplus government , plans such things .
23 Thus it is quite plausible to suggest that see evokes some form of inference here .
24 He said : ‘ It is totally wrong to suggest that up to 90pc of all equipment in special baby care units is provided by charity .
25 It is therefore reasonable to suggest that one of the MOs of a 1 symmetry is largely O 2s in character , while the O 2p z and H ( 1s + 1s ) orbitals combine to generate bonding and anti-bonding MOs .
26 It is therefore reasonable to suggest that a staging system might be devised which is based upon the type and genetic changes associated with conventional tumour stage and , more importantly , with survival .
27 It is therefore misleading to suggest that there has been ‘ barely any debate ’ .
28 It is too simplistic to suggest that by offering improved opportunities in a less restrictive setting , individuals with often severe learning difficulties , frequently additional disabilities , and histories of damaging experiences , will thereby have access to improved , more satisfying life-styles .
29 It is too much to suggest that the " T R " of the Bignor mosaics ( pI .
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