Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [adv] [adj] to say [that] " in BNC.

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1 The erm safety on the transport yes I mean I am very happy to say that we will ask the , the staff to look at that and perhaps I can just clarify the meaning of that paragraph ah in four point eight when it says a m a new member of staff it means a new member of staff will be responsible for health and safety not just one person on his own .
2 The self-employed mechanic who services my car — I am sometimes ashamed to say that I have a car — also sharpens sickles , sells strimmers and repairs motor cultivators .
3 I 'm rather ashamed to say that almost all of my friends are in the business .
4 Item five erm I 'm also pleased to say that er Chris was the only person nominated to be Honorary Treasurer and it would give me great pleasure er to propose that he be elected Honorary Treasurer and may I have a seconder for that proposal please .
5 I 'm hardly likely to say that they 're slim , am I , Stew ? ’ said Jack .
6 It 's something I 'm very proud to say that I am , cos I believe in equal rights and that 's what feminism is , is believing in equal rights for women .
7 I 'm very pleased to say that the union er involved had actually pursued the appeal even though the woman had died , and won the appeal posthumously so that the backdated pay could be given to the widower in that case .
8 Erm we set up I think a very successful service and if I could just mention a sad note here , me some members will know who was the county occupational therapy coordinator largely designed the service here and I 'm very sorry to say that er she died the other day but her service is very much a tribute to her and we do in fact have a large number of people who will want to come and work for us as OTs because it is a good service and I 'm sure that you will agree with that .
9 Erm , we are indeed talking to Health Authority about the matters that were mentioned but can I come on to occupational therapists because I 'm very glad to say that erm we are able to recruit occupational therapists in this county .
10 I 'm very ashamed to say that most of my close friends , probably all of my close friends , are in the industry .
11 I 'm very happy to say that the lawyers did n't make a penny off this , ’ said Herwald .
12 ‘ He spoke about how he had appreciated the colleagueship of the Methodist pastor in Crackow and I was then able to say that there were indeed Methodists in Italy and the Protestant Church , although small in number is quite significant , particularly in its work among refugees and migrant workers .
13 I was very proud to say that finished in second place , a very creditable performan achievement , as I am sure members will agree .
14 Moreover , it was those that were most likely to suffer long periods of unemployment and non-employment and for whom early retirement was a realistic option , i.e. those aged 60–64 , who were most likely to say that it would be very effective in dealing with unemployment : 46 per cent , compared with 34 per cent of the 55–59 age-group and 30 per cent of those under 30 .
15 Few things are more poignant than a holiday romance , and we 're very happy to say that over the years we 've brought more than a few couples together who are now living happily every after .
16 It 's probably true to say that some actors just do n't mix well with other actors or directors .
17 Unless you 're Peter Pan , in which case you probably believe in fairies as well , it 's probably fair to say that you are only young once .
18 Interestingly enough , even with a wide range of prices and types of hotel-style accommodation available , it 's probably fair to say that the majority of guests expect en suite bathroom facilities as standard .
19 Without wanting to appear cynical , it 's pretty safe to say that in the run up to elections , one expects the odd vote-catching ruse from politicians .
20 We can also recognise , as we did , at an , on an earlier paper that it is national government policy and increasingly so , to encourage the development of capital schemes , borrowing , we noted that in relation to transport and the availability of S C A's I think it 's also right to say that the government does set down the level of borrowing which can be entered into in in any one year , that is the credit approvals are controlled by the government and they do make them available to the County Council and to district Councils , so in a sense , the government is both saying that we expect borrowing to be a feature of a budget and also that we want to control , and restrict the amount of money that can be borrowed through the amount of credit approvals .
21 erm I think it 's also true to say that if they came on Sunday and turned into the church hall for coffee and tea , they can smoke in there .
22 I think it 's therefore fair to say that perhaps even in Russell 's own eyes , his original epistemological programme , which occupied a great deal of his time and writing , between erm nineteen-twelve and erm the thirties , in fact broke down .
23 Thank you , Mr Chairman , erm , I 'm here to say , it 's quite true to say that it does vary from year to year , on er , what our programme is , but er , we we also have to face it , that er , com compared with some other areas , both east midlands and nationally , we do not have the traffic , and this does go against our for T A. Er , the the traffic on our roads
24 So they 're , I do n't know whether it 's , i it 's terribly reactionary to say that we really want one teletext cos your holidays , might they be coming up on Ceefax
25 Of course , erm there 's a lot more individual responsibility is needed than that , but it 's too simplistic to say that that erm to smile upon these people who have problems would solve everything erm but erm to make it your own responsibility to find out more and to find out the ways in which you can help I think is very important and is everybody 's responsibility .
26 I do think it 's very easy to say that sums of money are not financially significant .
27 It is however true to say that in most countries the hotel and leisure industry remains staffed by expatriates , as do the more senior positions in the contract services sector .
28 It is equally true to say that the advent of the impending change has caused the behaviour in just the same way as an itch causes a scratch .
29 If you intertwine your fingers together , it is equally true to say that your right hand is in your left , or that your left hand is in your right .
30 It is equally true to say that for many applications open-loop control is entirely adequate , and to opt for a closed-loop system would be an expensive luxury .
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