Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [verb] [pron] arm [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She said and Bobby says she do n't he said I was laying on the floor the other night and she came down beside with me and put her arm round me as we were laying there he said I 'll never do anything he said cos if you started playing about with her she 'll , you know childlike and and he said she would n't erm show her affection any more .
2 ‘ Well , I wish he did have cause to be jealous of me , ’ I said , and took the opportunity to draw her towards me and fold my arms around her .
3 He came to me and put his arms round me and said , " I 'm terribly glad , " and from the simple way he said it I knew that against all the evidence he had believed me , perhaps because he wanted to .
4 He would have said much more , but Brown Owl , who had crawled under the fence , hurried to them and put her arms round poor , scared Mandy .
5 Instead he silently walked the few feet between them and put his arms round her .
6 On 17 June 1952 a Fellow of Magdalene College walked down Trinity Street in Cambridge and was suddenly aware of the regius professor of divinity waddling ahead of him and throwing his arms about and muttering gloomily to himself , ‘ Hell !
7 The constable grabbed it from him and grabbed his arm at the same time .
8 He reached for her , pulling her up onto the sofa beside him and putting his arm around her .
9 Mrs Danby went to him and put her arms on him .
10 As he got into bed she rolled over towards him and put her arms round him .
11 She moved to him and put her arm over his shoulders .
12 Noticing that his younger brother himself was shivering , Dong , who was taller than the average Annamese , inched his long , thin body closer to him and put his arm around his shoulders .
13 A pretty girl had run up to him and thrown her arms around his neck before kissing him passionately .
14 Suddenly a passing girl suddenly swerved towards him and threw her arms round his waist .
15 So when I stumbled against him and threw my arms round his neck he just stood there , unmoving except for a slight step backwards to keep his balance — though I thought I felt his hands touch my waist for just an instant as if they had made an automatic move to hold me which he had cancelled .
16 As the last one slowly disappeared into her overstuffed purse , so she crossed her legs to retain them inside her and threw her arms above her head to shout .
17 He fell to his knees in front of her and threw his arms about her waist .
18 He came towards her and threw his arm round her .
19 Nurse Bodkin bustled over to her and put her arm around her shoulder , making soothing noises and easing her into a sitting position on the bed .
20 Evelyn went to her and put her arm around her shoulders .
21 I get this real strong urge to stand behind her and put my arms round her and give her a hug , but I do n't move .
22 I should have knelt beside her and put my arms around her and promised her that she would be freed from the hell of anhedonia , and that there really was a God and that she did have the strength to tear herself free from cocaine , as others had freed themselves , and I should have assured her that there was true happiness without a drug , but I did not know her well enough to embrace her , so I just let her weep as the sun streaked up in glory from the east .
23 One day she herself was looking in the mirror , and her sailor came up behind her and put his arms around her waist , and stared hungrily at her joyous face .
24 As he came into the room , he realised that she was crying quietly , and he went up to her and put his arms around her as tightly and as reassuringly as possible .
25 He went to her and put his arm round her shoulders , dimly aware that he might have hurried her but still convinced that she longed for his comfort and protection .
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