Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] started out [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Being both an exotic and a carnivore , it has started out with a double disadvantage , and sections of the rural population hate it with an intensity normally reserved for foxes or , worse , polecats .
2 It had started out as a ship 's boiler but Selwyn had acquired it some years before to ensure a plentiful supply of soft water for his garden .
3 It had started out as a panacea for one failed relationship and had quickly become a relationship in itself .
4 Like Michael he had started out as a ‘ breaker ’ — a heavy — until he had built up his own business .
5 What had started out as a quest for metallic hydrogen now became a serious hunt for fusion .
6 What had started out as a bad day had suddenly become brighter .
7 What had started out as a dramatic sea chase and developed into a running battle had fizzled out in a disappointing anti-climax .
8 But what had started out as a dream come true had , within hours of their leaving England , turned into a nightmare .
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