Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] as far as the " in BNC.

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1 The only thing that was quite extraordinary was what I found when I got as far as the back premises .
2 I finished equal fifth and , although I got as far as the final qualifying round for the Open and won through two rounds of the Amateur Championship , that was to be my best result for the year .
3 When I got as far as the door I dragged myself upright again , turned the handle , and lurched in .
4 I walked as far as the castle , where the tram tracks jut out towards the far bank of the Daugava River to show where the bridge was torn away from under them .
5 I went as far as the Galilee Gate , I turned and came back to my church .
6 And I think as far as the critics are concerned , John Maynard-Smith may allow me to adapt erm the critical misjudgement of all time , which was made by a Dublin Professor when The Origin of Species first came out , which you will remember no doubt
7 Last year , there were protracted negotiations for Tucson , Arizona-based direct rival Artisoft Inc to take over Performance , which got as far as the two signing a letter of intent to that effect .
8 They debouched from this second strait into a broad body of water which stretched as far as the eye could see toward the setting sun …
9 As soon as she drew up to the roundabout at the top of Woodstock Road , she found herself in traffic which stretched as far as the eye could see , and when she switched on the car radio , she discovered that the only sound it would make was an assortment of squeaks and crackles .
10 Belorussia , in these new circumstances , began to raise territorial claims against Lithuania , which extended as far as the Lithuanian capital Vilnius .
11 She got as far as the bathroom and was half undressed when the doorbell rang , making her start .
12 She got as far as the other side of the wide bed before being dragged back and pinned beneath fitzAlan 's forceful weight for the second time that night .
13 And are you now going to take that any further or are you going as far as the government wants you to go as this stage ?
14 I , I shall be seeing the you know in a few weeks time the daughter she 's a , she 's er Rene that was erm Eddie , who were very big pals of mine and we go to the anniversary lunch together so we 're all over eighty but erm you could n't the bread shop , was another confectioner 's shop , and then turning round the corner you come to another shop , up two steps , which was and that was another type of confectionery and shop , then you get as far as the corn and seed people er they used to have a shop in Street as well , and then before the First World War there was the butchers and they sold foreign meat .
15 She walked as far as the cafeteria on her ward — they told her to — and walking was a strange bouncing glide .
16 Ya'kub , known as Ecezade , who taught as far as the Iznik medrese , then became a kasabat kadi , eventually serving in Trabzon , from which , after the accession of Selim I ( 918/1512 ) , he became kadi in Selanik and then in Bursa , dying while in retirement from that post in 924/1518 .
17 " Wo n't you come as far as the boat ? "
18 But no one went as far as the teacher quoted by Len Masterman .
19 They went as far as the railway crossin' on the other side of the tunnel , talked to the man on duty at the halt there , then turned back .
20 A full day excursion by coach to the spectacular bulbfields ; ablaze with the glorious colours of spring as they stretch as far as the eye can see .
21 He got as far as the lawn , just out there , and then he stopped and stood , seemingly just staring at the house .
22 He walked as far as the cart , took a packet of cigarettes from his jacket that was hanging on the tailgate and stood , sullenly smoking .
23 He walked as far as the beaches and along the deserted sea front .
24 Suggest he advances as far as the stream and stops them there , but make it a tactful suggestion .
25 Certainly it does as far as the naked eye is concerned .
26 The envoys — I do not know by what trickery they were deceived [ here Nithard bursts out into the first person ] — thus increased Lothar 's share of the regnum so that it extended as far as the Charbonnière . "
27 The fact that it spread as far as the Mycenaean chiefdoms of Greece has sometimes been regarded as surprising .
28 Erm your worships as far as the personal circumstances are concerned she is fifty nine years old , she has n't worked for the last three years she 's in receipt of invalidity benefit similarly her husband who has n't worked for the last ten or eleven years er , is on invalidity benefit .
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