Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] [art] heavy [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They had only taken a step or two when they heard a rustle in the leaves , and a sound like someone huffing under a heavy load .
2 But before I start with the heavy stuff , I 'd like to tell you my own theory about grown-ups and their DOs and DON'Ts and why a lot of them are not very good at dealing with children .
3 I wrestle with the heavy heap on top of me .
4 Increases in the volume of shipping are usually accommodated for some time by existing docks and harbours before the pressure on them leads to a heavy capital investment in fresh and usually lengthy building .
5 She walked with a heavy heart to the front of the bus .
6 Its the underhand way you went about the heavy petting and damp carry-on , Douglas .
7 Everyone had seen her arrive during morning assembly , her hair hanging loose as she leaned on a heavy walking-stick for support .
8 ‘ Go across the drawbridge and you come to a heavy door
9 The pillar of gas and sand was pulled out by the wind , darkening the sand under its shadow and forming a curtain of haze under its base like you see under a heavy cloud sometimes as it starts to get rid of its rain .
10 he added , ‘ I know that has meant taking younger men as lifeboat crew to withstand the battering they receive in a heavy sea .
11 They leaned against the heavy stone balustrade of the terrace , looking down over the gardens , dark and mysterious .
12 While she was waiting for the computer to do whatever it had to do , she rested her elbows on the counter with her back to it and the man next to her said in a heavy voice , ‘ Are you an actress ? ’
13 This was popular for warships but it made for a heavy hull .
14 It moved with a heavy surge and the dog released it , her hackles rising .
15 He had truly been a contender for the middleweight title until the severe chest wound he sustained during the heavy fighting in France had cut short his promising career .
16 Although she 'd seen a couple of nice men recently , when it came to the heavy breathing Miranda found that she did n't want to be touched intimately by anyone she did n't know well .
17 Langton realized her impatience and ushered them out of the office towards another door , which he opened with a heavy key he took from his pocket .
18 He took off the heavy overcoat he was wearing and laid it across the top of the filing cabinet .
19 She lifted it aside — it felt like a heavy curtain — and still could not see anything .
20 Volvo expects to produce 300 of those , which would give it roughly the same 60 per cent market share it enjoys in the heavy bus category after its takeover of Leyland Bus in 1988 .
21 He still stared straight ahead as he ploughed into the heavy dining-table .
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