Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] [verb] to see [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I asked her to come to see me on the day after her arrival and at the hour of sunset , the best time for the wonderful view that I then had to offer her .
2 ‘ But I know she wishes to see you . ’
3 I remember her coming to see me and begging me to help when he was arrested .
4 I believe he came to see it would not do .
5 I believe you wished to see me , Mr Vass ? ’
6 I believe you wanted to see me . ’
7 Maybe I am naïve , but I find myself tempted to see it as a genuine case of pure , disinterested altruism .
8 I guess I had to see you , drawled Jay , because I was so scared of seeing you .
9 I thought she came to see you . ’
10 I had someone come to see me the other week from the R S P C A because they said this cat was held forty foot in the air
11 When I remember the tears you shed I long to see you again and so make my happiness complete .
12 ‘ David — do n't you mind my going to see her ?
13 She said she hopes to see you at your show on Sunday . ’
14 She said she hopes to see you later , round at the flat .
15 You want your parents to come to you first and they want you to come to see them .
16 It made him laugh to see her standing there , shaking her fist at the departing van .
17 He found himself aching to see her .
18 Monument Hill was the last place he wanted to go to , but he knew he had to see it again for himself .
19 He suggested my coming to see him in Oxford in the Autumn Term .
20 What do you want to see me about , Charles ? ’
21 What do you want to see her about ? ’
22 What did you want to see me about , Mr Wilkes ? ’
23 What did you want to see me about ? ’
24 ‘ So , what did you want to see me about ? ’
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