Example sentences of "[art] emphasis was on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This advice was ignored , and throughout the pamphlet the emphasis was on the sovereignty of the people .
2 The emphasis of the SSAPs was always on standards for accounts showing a true and fair view ; indeed , very often the emphasis was on the accounts of PLCs .
3 In yet other cases , such as the early-nineteenth-century German Brotherhood of St Luke , the emphasis was on the breakaway from academic training towards a workshop kind of organization , more centred on training and development than on exhibition .
4 The emphasis was on the termination of parental rights in favour of long-term fostering and adoption ; Tunstill comments that , in three out of the four case histories in the guide to the assumption of parental rights , the only possibility of a ‘ happy ending ’ was by means of such steps .
5 The revival of interest in a Channel fixed link in Britain and France was matched by growing interest at European Community level although here the emphasis was on the role of Europe in providing financial support for improvements in transport infrastructure .
6 Here too the emphasis was on the susceptibility of the ‘ innocent ’ to the specious ; section 28 of the Local Government Act 1987 — 8 states that a local authority shall not
7 The emphasis was on the burden of cost unpaid by the elderly .
8 But by the 1960s the emphasis was on the need to restore financial self-sufficiency through drastic pruning of the network .
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