Example sentences of "[art] corner of [pos pn] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Léonie twisted the corner of her pillowcase into a tight spiral and chewed it .
2 She woke up with a little start , wiping the corner of her mouth with her hand .
3 He saw her raise her arm to touch the corner of her mouth with her handkerchief , and when she turned her head the features were blurred like a lump of clay when the wet cloth is removed .
4 Seeing the betraying movement , his hand slid down to close lightly around her throat ; then he touched his lips to the corner of her mouth with delicate precision before planting a series of soft baby kisses along the clean line of her jaw .
5 ‘ I 'm — ’ She looked round to see no one was in earshot , then mumbled the words quickly out of the corner of her mouth as if they were not really her responsibility : , I 'm sorry . ’
6 Her eyes were as dark as a rotten egg , and a tear of blood ran down alongside her nose to the corner of her mouth like a symptom of regret .
7 On the way back , she filled a pouch in the corner of her shawl with the edible weeds that grow like tongues of spinach among the crops .
8 She dabbed the corner of her eye with a black-edged handkerchief .
9 Agnes looked at Sadie out of the corner of her eye without turning round .
10 Wait a minute — out of the corner of my eye at Temple Meads Station , when I 'd blinked away the vision of Mum swallowing mud , I 'd seen a sign on the window of the buffet : Vacancies .
11 I glance out of the corner of my eye towards Dixie .
12 We lie together beneath the crumpled warm sheet , and a tear trickles from the corner of my eye as if Jancey was dead .
13 He flicked the corner of his cloak at Izzie to clear her off the table — as if to touch her would dirty his hands .
14 He spat blood , and a thin trickle painted a red line from the corner of his mouth to his jawline , whence it dripped onto his coat lapel .
15 Luckily there was a manger in the corner of his box with a tying-up ring next to it so I tied him to some baler twine , in case the worse came to the worse , and put his water and his hay at nose level in front of him .
16 A scar ran from the corner of his eye to under his jawbone , and his tattooed arms rested on the desk in front of him , which was covered with mementoes of his Legion career .
17 They were all Altun family retainers of long standing — men whose first and only concern would be to protect the interests of the Kha-Khan — and Burun watched them out of the corner of his eye in case it occurred to Nogai to send Sipotai warning .
18 Seeing his friend cowering in the corner of his cage at the mercy of the teachers , he felt the tears swell up in his eyes .
19 Thistle goalkeeper Craig Nelson inexplicably raced to the corner of his area for a through ball , only to stop , allowing Allan Moore to nip round him and cross for John Davies to scramble the ball home .
20 She folded her nightgown and robe , pushing them into a corner of her case without regard for the fragile material .
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