Example sentences of "[art] question of how [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 But the point of central authority effecting a conversion is important , both in terms of the role of local kings in a noble society and in raising the question of how deep the conversion went .
2 ‘ I believe that the real difference between success and failure in a corporation can very often be traced to the question of how well the organisation brings out the great energies and talents of its people .
3 First , there is the question of how far the Conservative proposals which form the basis of the present structure were consistent with the Redcliffe-Maud analysis .
4 Any consideration of the changing nature of the English village seems inevitably to raise the question of how far the influx of newcomers has destroyed the village ‘ community ’ .
5 Once a system of law accepts possession as a sufficient foundation for a claim for recovery of personal property it is faced with the question of how far the defendant should be allowed to raise the issue that a third party has a better right to the property than the plaintiff — the jus tertii .
6 At the same time , we may have to accept that the National Curriculum finally forces us to address the question of how far the polarization of the discourse , and the adopting of classroom strategies which celebrate something called ‘ process ’ at the expense of content , may both stem in part from a posture of defensiveness in the face of the problem of the primary class teacher 's curriculum knowledge .
7 The question of how far the report would be a public document remained unanswered and therefore the extent to which it was an accountability exercise was not made clear to staff .
8 Consideration of the inspection and the feedback sessions raises the question of how far the inspection was a follow-on from the self-appraisal and of how far the school 's own review was evaluated by professional outsiders .
9 The real problem for Schenk 's case is the question of how far the target figures of the fabliaux can be identified with the real humanity that both authors and readers/listeners must be part of .
10 This raises a question of how long the IRA have had them .
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