Example sentences of "[art] manner in [pron] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The manner in which the dolphin receives the returning echoes is also a mystery , but they are thought to be picked up by all parts of the body , to travel through the bones to the head .
2 Secondly , the courts have however emphasised that tribunals possess a discretion as to whether to allow such representation , and are willing to review the manner in which the discretion is exercised .
3 The essential element in each case is the manner in which the expert decides the issue .
4 Interpretation or " construction " of the documents setting out the manner in which the expert should have resolved the issue appeared , until recently , to be a fruitful line for challenge to decisions .
5 It was firmly stated that where review was based upon breach of natural justice , the court should only be concerned with the manner in which the decision was reached and not with the correctness of the decision itself .
6 that the shop stewards would reply to Michael Taylor 's memo to all staff expressing the anger and disappointment of the Union at the manner in which the decision was made , disregarding the strength of feeling of the majority of staff on this issue ;
7 She had tried to alter the manner in which the Persepolis celebrations were conducted .
8 And he went on to describe the manner in which the station made and broke settlements :
9 Before referring to the manner in which the judge dealt with this question it is convenient to refer to some of the provisions of the security documents .
10 The theorems indicate that the results to be expected from bargaining sessions depend heavily on the institutions which govern the manner in which the bargaining takes place .
11 The FAOR proposals for storage of information in the long term using a filly computerised system were also investigated thoroughly , particularly as these had a bearing on the manner in which the index system would be developed .
12 The manner in which the architecture of these stations reflected colonial racial hierarchies is beautifully illustrated by a Crown Agents photograph showing the proclamation of the First World War at Port Harcourt station in eastern Nigeria .
13 A central aim of the work is to determine the extent to which will founded generalisations are Possible as to the manner in which the structure of these industries evolves .
14 Barthes draws on Benveniste 's distinction in order to analyze a level of narrative which Todorov ignores in his study : the ‘ narration ’ , that is to say , the manner in which the story is told .
15 To understand the nature of relations between the two kingdoms between 1250 and 1340 we must consider the manner in which the treaty was made , and the implications of the clauses .
16 6.3 Articles of Association The purpose of the Articles is to set out the manner in which the Company is to be governed and to regulate the relationship between the directors and the different classes of shareholder .
17 ‘ We deplore the manner in which the Government has ignored the united voice of the profession in respect of the composition of the Curriculum and Exams and Assessment Council , ’ stated the document , sent to the Department of Education .
18 Even more remarkable was the manner in which the resignation of Leon Brittan , after the Prime Minister 's revelation in the Commons that he had authorized the leak of a confidential letter from Sir Patrick Mayhew , the Solicitor-General to Heseltine , stimulated Mrs Thatcher and her Home Secretary , Douglas Hurd , to deliver in public disquisitions on Cabinet management .
19 Indeed , the parallel is very close to the consolidation of the accounts of a group of companies , although this will depend upon the manner in which the consolidation is effected .
20 I am sure that his side 's performances have exceeded his expectations purely because of the manner in which the rugby has been played .
21 It will also affect the manner in which the coach attempts to motivate the sportsman , the light in which he analyses his performances and tries to improve them and more basically , the very nature of his personal relationship with his protêgê .
22 The manner in which the board lies in the water .
23 The manner in which the register of electors is compiled is laid down by Parliament in certain Rules and the Electoral Registration Officer must observe those Rules without any variation suggested by the council .
24 The payments may be described in various ways , for example as interest , or as an amount payable on redemption : the manner in which the obligation is described is not relevant to the classification of the instrument .
25 Nothing is said about cross-examination , not even a request for the facility to be afforded if it would be compatible with foreign procedures ; no detail is given as to the manner in which the evidence is to be ‘ reduced into writing ’ , so that , for example , no preference is expressed for a verbatim transcript rather than a summary minute prepared by the foreign judge .
26 As we have implied , the manner in which the change proceeds is conditioned by both social and phonological factors .
27 The independence of the guardian ad litem is vital and local authorities must not compromise this by imposing restrictions directly or indirectly on the manner in which the guardian carries out his duties .
28 In general , the more directly political approach argues that the manner in which the state may compensate for the misery of the periphery is crucial and warrants serious investigation since under certain circumstances it may be possible for state intervention to operate with beneficial , net long-term effects .
29 One might suggest that the vibrancy in the Philippine health movement is a measure of the critical nature of the struggle but I could argue that it is a product of the manner in which the struggle is being waged .
30 Their Lordships endorse this statement of the manner in which the court should exercise its exceptional jurisdiction to halt criminal proceedings and , except in one respect , they prefer not to offer for their own account any further exploration of the prior authorities .
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