Example sentences of "[art] couple of [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 To enable the miller to do this more easily the arms or stocks swept to within a couple of feet of the ground .
2 ‘ Of course , I agreed to carry his bag like a shot , and the Irish golfer gave me some very basic instruction in my duties over a couple of pints of the dark stuff from his native land .
3 If you are heavily laden with treasure you might only manage a couple of swings of the sword before you have to rest , during which time your opponent can batter away at you ! )
4 The ice cold water made him gasp , but after swimming a couple of lengths of the plunge , he got out feeling an exhilaration beyond belief .
5 When the conference opened , a couple of members of the League of Empire Loyalists , one a journalist and the other a chiropodist , hired eastern bishops ' flowing robes from a theatrical costumier , walked in unchallenged , and got up to make a speech against the ‘ archterrorist ’ Makarios .
6 I accompanied the asparagus I had for dinner ( over-cooked ) with a couple of glasses of the Sasbacher Scheibenbuck Müller Thurgau ( trocken ) .
7 ‘ All my choices have proved ill ’ , says Frodo within a couple of pages of the start of his quest .
8 At the foot of the stairs , a couple of officers of the Grand Army , whose epaulettes proclaimed them members of Davout 's staff , were talking to an ashen-faced Moreau .
9 I was in Leeds over the weekend and had a chance to see a couple of copies of the Yorkshire Evening Post .
10 Two of the Kamalians only needed a couple of metres of the wire to render him helpless and under continual self-torture .
11 Yet , apart from these and a couple of stagings of The Tempest , choreographers have tended to present Shakespeare only in one act form , at best condensing the great poetic dramas into intense and intimate character studies at worst , turning them into a slide show of cliched vignettes .
12 There was dark cloud to within a couple of yards of the southern horizon , below which a perfect golden background , and there was silhouetted every hill from Clent to the Sugar Loaf by Abergavenny and the Black Mountains .
13 One evening after she 'd completed a couple of laps of the pool she was surprised to see David Markham stroll out of the changing-rooms on to the poolside .
14 I had to be very careful going through a couple of blobs of the Renaissance gold where the paint was at its thickest , but I was lucky and got a reasonably clean edge all round .
15 Theodora took a couple of handfuls of the chicken pellets from the split bag in the hall and broadcast them over the gravel .
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