Example sentences of "[art] whole [noun] of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By the end of the book , " culture " has become a metaphor for some kind of Bradleyan unity to which we may aspire but which we can never reach ; idealism consorts oddly with Eliot 's sociology , however , and it is not at all clear if " culture " is a neutral term used to describe the whole way of life of a people or if it is being employed as a diagnostic tool to evaluate the various standards and aspirations of a society .
2 Thus many third and fourth generation computers provide a range of facilities ( such as several data-types ) in an attempt to cover the whole spectrum of applications in one design .
3 Erm er it 's basically that there is no stated requirement at present from any of the four nations , for this aircraft to operate on ships er back in the early days of the programme when the the French were involved er we looked at the possibility of designing an aircraft er to provide the whole spectrum of capabilities from air defence er ground attack and also maritime operations off ships and er we we certainly experienced some difficulties in reconciling all those things in one design , which was adequately capable in each of the areas .
4 Paul is prescribing a true turn-round in the whole arena of relationships at work .
5 But its deliberately non-partisan approach is no pose : it helps to shape the institute 's choice of research subjects , the way its conclusions are presented , and so , indirectly , the whole tone of debate in the country .
6 The house was pink like her mother 's dress , and sat high on Beverly Hills with a view out over the whole sprawl of Kingston to the hazy bay beyond .
7 Yet the really important decisions , affecting the whole shape of politics in the 1930s , were those made in September and October 1931 ; it was these decisions , and not the formation of the National Government itself , which were to determine the configuration of party politics for the rest of the decade .
8 In the Esso case Lord Reid said " as the whole doctrine of restraint of trade is based on public policy its application ought to depend less on legal niceties or theoretical possibilities than on the practical effect of a restraint in hampering that freedom which it is the policy of the law to protect " .
9 For one thing , the business of developing theory that was responsive to empirical investigation became a much more serious business as did the whole enterprise of methodology as a specific and distinctive branch of sociology and social research .
10 They complicated the whole problem of obedience in a quite remarkable way , and they took up a great deal of Anselm 's time as archbishop .
11 Critics of the programme , who were numerous in the USA as well as in the Soviet Union , maintained that it would violate the ABM treaty and therefore undermine the whole concept of deterrence by allowing a first strike to be delivered from behind a space ‘ shield ’ which would prevent or at least reduce the risk of retaliation .
12 Put in a nutshell , it puts the whole concept of justice into jeopardy .
13 The Trust is now examining the whole concept of trees as windbreaks ; what is clear is that trees and shrubs should filter the wind and provide shelter without creating a solid barrier and that mixed planting , wider belts and regular thinning will be essential in achieving this .
14 To Leese , Mosley was a ‘ kosher fascist ’ , a Jewish agent planted to discredit the whole concept of fascism in Britain ; to Mosley , Leese was no more than an anti-semitic crank .
15 The request is made so that each question can be marked throughout the whole pile of scripts in one operation , before the next question is examined .
16 But it appears to me that the whole trend of authority for over a century is clearly against permitting any such investigation .
17 The whole net of relationships between community and subculture , class and centralizing monopoly capitalism thus took on a different shape .
18 ‘ There 's been a radical change in the whole structure of society during the last few years . ’
19 In the next few years , the whole structure of training in the industry will have changed , with new methods of acquiring qualifications and new methods of assessment .
20 Shaking her head at the kick , she lashed out at the whole row of stores opposite her cathedral and dispelled them to dust .
21 For example , the whole evolution of Bells in Scotland since the war was due to Raymond Miquel 's strategy on sales . ’
22 ( An excellent and eminently readable discussion of the whole logic of control in causal models can be found in Davis 1985 . )
23 He read the whole range of papers on most days , and was appalled by their cynical and gleeful exploitation of Callaghan 's faltering stand against what was labelled ‘ mindless militancy ’ at Labour 's grass roots .
24 the whole range of concepts concerning inner states of all kinds and their elaborations and meanings ;
25 This item of equipment enabled the rapid assembly features of the whole range of equipment to be fully exploited , and reduced the erection times for some major bridging operations , from what would normally be months to merely a matter of days .
26 Moreover , answers for small loans were concentrated very much at the short-repayment-period end of the scale , while answers for large loans were spread more evenly across the whole range of options from 6 to 36 months .
27 It was the biggest exercise of its kind mounted by Courtaulds , with questionnaires so far going to 15,000 employees across the whole range of operations in the UK , continental Europe , United States , Latin America , the Far East and Australasia .
28 One could talk about many other areas of improvement : the huge 68 per cent increase in real spending ( over and above inflation ) by Government on community care services since 1979 ; the 29 per cent increase in real spending on the whole range of benefits for elderly people ; or , in a completely different field , the improvements in public transport which have , for example , seen the number of rail passengers increase by 14 per cent .
29 For them the whole range of feelings of shock , disbelief and anger come into play .
30 Feminism 's concern with sexual politics extends into the whole range of representations of sexuality , masculinity and femininity , from advertising to pornography — it intervenes in the culture and in so doing seeks to change the ways in which men and women inhabit their masculinity and femininity .
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