Example sentences of "[art] good deal of [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 Now that will be hard , that needs a good deal of thought and it 'll take a long time .
2 This had led in a good deal of theology and piety to a concentration of attention on a vaguely unitarian ‘ God ’ , loosely identified with the Father , and to increasing difficulties in connecting that up in any coherent way with either the Trinity or the incarnation .
3 The old have to accept changes in patterns of living and cultural standards that they can not understand , and cope with rejection by the younger generations , as well as a good deal of sentimentality and shallow stereotyping in private and public references to themselves .
4 His own companions were still coming out of the entrance burrow one by one and there was a good deal of scrabbling and shuffling .
5 Nobody can seriously suggest that we turn back the clock entirely and return to the world of Constable 's Haywain , where there was a good deal of misery and hunger amidst all that beauty .
6 The face that confronted her with so much earnest goodwill and innocence , and with , she felt mistrustfully , such incalculable thoughts behind it , was square and brown , with a good deal of chin and nose to it , and an odd mouth with one corner higher than the other .
7 Recent years have seen a good deal of change and instability in energy markets and the aim of the study is to investigate how these have influenced , or have been influenced by , the form of contractual behaviour in the markets .
8 A good deal of money and effort is therefore going into study of the human factor , which should ultimately lead to further reduction of accidents and risk .
9 Someone must be doing their housekeeping rather better at those hospitals , especially when one thinks of the help the Memorial Hospital gets from the WRVS and the Friends of the Hospital who raise a good deal of money and have done so for many years .
10 Joanne and the other members of the team of teachers working with the intake year embarked on the new curriculum with a good deal of enthusiasm and more than a little apprehension .
11 It is an excellent establishment and has attracted a good deal of support and resources from the private sector .
12 Underneath these myths of management , both as giving a sense of status and defining process , we noted that there was a good deal of depression and despair .
13 Although homosexuality is no longer against the law , homosexuals still face a good deal of criticism and stigma .
14 The popular saying that ‘ Finding is keeping ’ is a dangerous half-truth , which needs a good deal of expansion and qualification to make it square with the law .
15 We all know that what he terms his ’ meandering ’ round private Bills has been responsible for a good deal of heartache and not a little management time in British Rail spent trying to meet some of his objections .
16 The collapse of the command economy has given way to a good deal of racketeering and corruption .
17 Working with children , I often find myself thinking that their young minds have been deprived of innocence , and usually a good deal of fun and happiness along with it .
18 China 's conservation efforts have received a good deal of attention and it has been difficult to sort out myth from reality .
19 But in this very satisfaction lies the difficulty that for twenty years or more a good deal of self-esteem and affirmation has depended upon the parenting role .
20 On the other hand , the generally low ‘ compliance observability ’ of the teaching-learning process means that a good deal of power and influence is likely always to remain with those who actually operate the system , i.e. the lecturers and students .
21 Sidonius , perhaps for political reasons , is concerned to portray a restrained and civilized man , with a good deal of power and authority .
22 Once the summer residence of landed gentry , it has now been restructured and renovated , with a good deal of taste and great respect for the original building 's style , ambience and decor .
23 A good deal of time and intelligence has been invested in the exposure of racism and the horrific results on its objects .
24 Inaccessible public transport systems have meant that a good deal of time and resources have gone towards enabling people to travel to and from meetings .
25 Suitably bowdlerized , said Viola to herself with a grim smile : if she knew Walter , there was a good deal of slap and tickle involved which did n't get into the account .
26 Instead of the sunset raging a fire in them as Fernando had obviously intended , it had had the reverse effect — doused away a good deal of bitterness and left them with a certain sadness .
27 It was important for Oreste 's sake to keep good relations and so with a good deal of lip-biting and general effort of control she finally wrote to her sister in most moderate terms expressing surprise , confessing intense distress , but apportioning no blame .
28 In the same year as Jacobson published his experiments , a ‘ failure to replicate , report signed by twenty-three authors appeared in the major journal , Science , and the matter might have rested there but for the fact that it was noticed that the method which Jacobson had used to extract RNA from his rat brains also liberated a good deal of protein and other contaminants .
29 I had the opportunity to visit the north-west on Monday , where I found a good deal of buoyancy and confidence in the future of the north-west and of the country as a whole .
30 any numerical measures need a good deal of explanation and background information if they are not to be misleading ; and
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