Example sentences of "[verb] [been] replace [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The gin trap has been replaced by other traps which may not be as effective but which are more humane .
2 Around 150 works , many of which previously hung in the bedrooms and bathrooms of the Thyssen homes , and have not been exhibited previously , will be hung in galleries whose pre-war Germanic museum style has been replaced by modern tones of grey .
3 The Lotus-style menu system of version 3.5 has been replaced by pull-down menus and dialogue boxes ( although if you prefer the old interface , there 's a menu option that lets you switch back ) .
4 The rich grassland habitat of the past , which could support up to 20 species , has been replaced by pesticide-drenched monocultures which can barely support a single butterfly .
5 The verbatim reproduction in print of the political speech was an expensive exercise which was not usually rewarded with increased sales and so , by the 1900s , the political leader and the political speech had been replaced with shortened accounts and by a flood of ‘ news ’ stories .
6 The situation was also complicated by the fact that , since 1945 , much of the islands ' native population had been replaced by Soviet citizens who were opposed to any concessions towards Japanese claims of sovereignty .
7 In 1914 the art schools had all but atrophied ; the models had gone off to the munitions factories , and students had been replaced by retired businessmen seeking distraction from their troubles .
8 A considerable proportion of this first generation of Peter 's representatives in western Europe were foreigners in Russian service ; but by the 1720s these had been replaced by native-born Russians .
9 It was only some years later , when the over-expansion he had forecast had materialised , and some of the more obscurantist leaders of the industry had been replaced by new men , that the industry came to terms with the problem ( see pp. 212–17 , below ) .
10 When the history of the church was being researched a footnote in an 18th century volume identified a drawing of some stained-glass panels which had long since fallen into disrepair and had been replaced by plain lights .
11 But they have been replaced in recent years by unknowns in a series of changes designed to breathe new life into the programme .
12 But they have been replaced in recent years by unknowns .
13 I have finished my letter and sit staring down through the orchard thinking about those who have occupied the slit trenches since 6th June : Taff , the mortar team , the others who have gone and have been replaced by new faces .
14 The local pit has closed and the miners have been replaced by serious athletes who wear regulation running gear and train thoroughly , sometimes all year round .
15 Old-fashioned notions that a woman 's anatomy , through her capacity to bear children , determined the shape of her entire life have been replaced by complex debates as to how different social structures have interacted to produce the variety of patterns of gender relations which are to be found across different societies and over time .
16 Bad policies in the past may continue to cause problems , long after they have been replaced by good ones .
17 Grandiose Soviet schemes for nuclear power have been replaced by Russian realities .
18 She told the junior Health Minister , Mr Roger Freeman , who was attending the fellowship 's conference in London , that since 1971 more than 50,000 mental hospital beds have been lost ; fewer than one in ten have been replaced by residential places in the community .
19 On the way back to my office through the gallery I see that the art deco figures have disappeared and have been replaced by enormous canvases of contemporary art .
20 Since her death , the trustees have gone public — anonymous gifts have been replaced by open ones in memory of the three sisters .
21 The once razor sharp blades have been replaced by wooden ones tipped with rubber .
22 Even the water taps have been replaced by electromagnetic sensors which spring into action when a hand is waved within 100 mm of the sensor .
23 The continuous spectrum of the last diagram indicates that periodic fluctuations have been replaced by chaotic ones .
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