Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] [pers pn] ca [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 More and more people in South Africa want to go where they ca n't hear the screaming .
2 As it is , it looks like they ca n't bear to be together .
3 And that 's their right and so you think of something else we you 're not allowed to take them out of a favourite lesson , you 're not allowed to say you are going to miss your football or a P E P E teachers and the football teachers , quite rightly , say if you ca n't keep discipline in your class why why should we be penalized ?
4 There is no reason for anyone to be concerned about the ram 's ability to work because he ca n't get around his ewes .
5 ‘ You ca n't know because you ca n't handle it . ’
6 Now he 's overtaking because he ca n't see but nevertheless Look at the gap there .
7 Davey sends something every month but he 's got his own family to support so he ca n't afford much .
8 ‘ There can be no collapse in the property market because sellers have a real reluctance to sell if they ca n't make last year 's prices .
9 So what happens if you ca n't bounce something back ?
10 What 's , what happens if he ca n't clock out tonight ?
11 My mother says if we ca n't live inside the Fort at least we should live in its suburbs . ’
12 Er apparently they phone her up or summat and ask her if she 'll go and stand in for other people and she turned round and says if I ca n't have this school I 'm not doing any .
13 I says if you ca n't think of nowt better to say just shut your mouth .
14 says if you ca n't take how would you be able to handle the front line .
15 He must know I worry if I ca n't see it .
16 Tim , please stop cos I ca n't hear daddy think let alone hear him talk .
17 They 're not gon na be able to transcribe what Gearoid says cos they ca n't hear .
18 I know I do n't want to lose this man , but I realise I will do if I ca n't sort myself out .
19 when the , when , when noise is too loud they just cut cos they ca n't cope with it .
20 It does n't matter if you ca n't sing and only want to listen .
21 ‘ When The Darling Buds Of May became a success a lot of people approached me to make a record , saying : ‘ Well , it does n't matter if you ca n't sing — let's just do SOMETHING . ’
22 The people who run it try to fix up compatible ages , interests etc and it does n't matter if you ca n't speak the lingo , they will find someone with a knowledge of the English language for you .
23 It does n't matter if he ca n't sing because Young Walsingham does n't utter a note . ’
24 Keegan believes some players have suffered because they ca n't handle the massive crowds that have returned to St James 's Park since his arrival .
25 There 's nothing he can do but hope because he ca n't put 30-year-old heads on young shoulders .
26 She apologizes because she ca n't remember where I keep Timmy 's clean pants .
27 Except the brain is screaming for more dopamine , so you overdose because you ca n't accept that the drug is n't working any longer , and it 's then that cocaine starts doing its other things to you .
28 We 'll have to look into it to see if we ca n't manage it .
29 He 's going to see if he ca n't find an antique windsor chair .
30 ‘ I was always a bad correspondent , ’ berated Lear , ‘ but surely you are still more unconscientious , for when I do write , you answer me by a short scrawl — only one word of which out of every 2d can I decipher , & I have kept your last and only epistle to see if I ca n't sell it as an ancient hieroglyphic . ’
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