Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] it be suggested that " in BNC.

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1 19 , is made and it is suggested that the plaintiff can not utilise this exception because the measure sought is not ‘ indistinctly applicable . ’
2 A copy of the figures are enclosed and it was suggested that perhaps class members and secretaries might be interested in seeing how their subscriptions are spent .
3 The idea that only manufacturing jobs create profit was also challenged and it was suggested that there are many jobs needing to be done in West Belfast — teachers , nurses , creche workers , etc. — which are valuable and contribute , indirectly , to the production of profit .
4 A large number of rather similar ‘ irregular issues ’ are known and it is suggested that one or more private ‘ mints ’ were producing them .
5 Two types of wording are cited and it is suggested that they are of similar effect .
6 The level of spending was apparently greater than originally planned and it was suggested that the increase was made possible by higher than expected oil revenues for 1989 .
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