Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [be] found [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Five-week-old Christopher was admitted on 12 April because of vomiting and was found to be suffering from a narrowing of the exit of the stomach .
2 When the Validation program has been run and the output in VALIFY.TXT and/or VALIDATE.MOD or VALIFY.CRC has been checked and is found to be satisfactory , the LIFESPAN system may be restarted .
3 All the facts given were checked and were found to be completely accurate .
4 My Grandfather arrived and was found to be not my ‘ official ’ guardian , but despite red tape they finally carted me off to be cauterized .
5 There was really very little to talk about , since they 'd seen each other at breakfast , so conversation became desultory once Irene had told Juliet about the other patients — the hysterectomies , the ovarian cyst as big as a football , and the girl who had come to be sterilised and was found to be pregnant .
6 By means of inserted trace statements the values delivered by halfMeas , i.e. a measure of half of the view area , have been obtained and are found to be consistent .
7 The Bishop of London stayed abroad for a while , and then discreetly returned and was found to be in office again , and so effectively that no one troubled to make an issue of it .
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