Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [v-ing] about [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Once built , the nests are lined with tightly packed leaves which act as insulation and the hedgehogs are then ready to sleep the winter away , occasionally waking and wandering about on the off chance of finding a meal .
2 He 's a restless sleeper , kicking and thrashing about throughout the night .
3 Billy and Mary were fooling and rolling about in the sunbeams on the edge of the clearing .
4 The Stormtex outer gives the jacket a fair amount of shower and wind protection ; excellent for hillwalking and hanging about at the bottom of climbs .
5 And then when it finishes you 've got all the guys coming out shouting and screaming and running about through the flats , the music never bothered me , it was just the you know the guys coming out after that bothered you .
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