Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] as the eye " in BNC.

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1 In the Midlands it is the tree one sees most often : and for a brief spell in early sum-mer it is the most beautiful of all the Midland trees , with its continuous miles of white may blossom glimmering as far as the eye can see .
2 In a region of high rolling hills , the wall is like a gigantic roller-coaster extending as far as the eye can see to east and west ; Garvine wrote of the wall that it ‘ is built on such a scale that you would think it was the work of Gods rather than men ’ .
3 It is a superb sight with fields of dazzling Tulips , Narcissi and Hyacinths extending as far as the eye can see in a variegated patchwork of brilliant regimented blocks .
4 ‘ The disturbed weather will continue as far as the eye can see , ’ said Philip .
5 They debouched from this second strait into a broad body of water which stretched as far as the eye could see toward the setting sun …
6 In the fierce noon-day sun the water stretched as far as the eye could see , in every shade of blue from palest turquoise to the deepest indigo of the horizon .
7 Beyond the placid waters of a small lake , a golden forest of trees stretched as far as the eye could see .
8 As soon as she drew up to the roundabout at the top of Woodstock Road , she found herself in traffic which stretched as far as the eye could see , and when she switched on the car radio , she discovered that the only sound it would make was an assortment of squeaks and crackles .
9 A full day excursion by coach to the spectacular bulbfields ; ablaze with the glorious colours of spring as they stretch as far as the eye can see .
10 Flat fields interspersed by dykes gleaming in the June sunshine spread as far as the eye could see and skylarks hovered and trilled overhead , but Nails , cautiously taking it all in , was given no time for comment .
11 An excursion to the top of the high alpine road of Gross Glockner will leave you breathless at the fantastic views stretching as far as the eye can see in every direction .
12 As we watched the train 's shadows turn and fold on the snowy shore , it became clear that she had not forgotten the stories which made this much more than a stark inland sea stretching as far as the eye can follow .
13 I was sailing the Pacific , or a character in a surrealist painting ; often I was walking over the red shale past one football pitch after another , with goal-posts stretching as far as the eye could see , like white crosses over the fields of Arnhem .
14 The whole of the vale of Pickering lay spread out before the two riders , stretching as far as the eye could see .
15 As his eyes slowly became accustomed to the half-light , he began to make out row upon row of brown tents stretching as far as the eye could see .
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