Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] in the [adj] direction " in BNC.

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1 The letter expressed the CPSU 's ‘ deep anxiety for the fate of socialism in Poland ’ , regretted that the necessary measures had not been taken against domestic anti-Soviet and anti-socialist forces , and called upon the Polish party to ‘ reverse the course of events and channel them in the right direction ’ .
2 Travelling to polling stations is expensive in a country where many people earn only £100 a year , so wealthy well-organised candidates bus voters to the booths and traditionally nudge them in the right direction with sample ballot sheets with the appropriate names ticked .
3 Instead of joining the press of bodies that jammed up the aisle towards the crush bar , he took my arm once again and drew me in the opposite direction .
4 It was difficult to remember the route , but Lowell 's van in the bottom field signposted them in the right direction .
5 No I 'll let you do it , I , I 've pointed you in the right direction
6 Then it was up to us and the dogs to stalk a heed and chase them in the right direction .
7 He screwed the note up and threw it in the general direction of the wastepaper basket .
8 Well you 're measuring it in the opposite direction to the way you 're measuring X.
9 Only when some convincing reason can be adduced for believing that both employers and workers not only misread market signals , but also misread them in the opposite direction from each other , will it be plausible to infer that both the supply of and demand for labour will rise with the general rise in prices and money wages .
10 ‘ I do not actually need the evidence of two people in one bedroom and the sight of crumpled covers to point me in the right direction .
11 I have n't a clue about the layout of this house , so you 're going to have to point me in the right direction ! ’
12 Your GP may be able to point you in the right direction , and it 's worth finding out if the psychology department of your local hospital takes referrals .
13 The kit includes a fine brass pendulum and chain along with a detailed book to point you in the right direction .
14 Your dealer should be able to point you in the right direction .
15 This booklet is designed to point you in the right direction if you have a problem or complaint and explain when you might be entitled to compensation .
16 The Code of Practice is designed to point you in the right direction if you have a problem or complaint and explains when you might be entitled to compensation .
17 Some sites can be detected by eye , with a tell-tale slight depression or different shade of grass pointing you in the right direction .
18 Enya claims to be stubborn , sulky and contrary where her composition is concerned , but she knew from unfortunate personal experience the natural anarchy and entropy of bands and very rationally allowed Nicky and Roma 's professional advice to guide her in the right direction .
19 Pushing the joystick in the direction of travel results in a low , grubhunting kick , slap it in the opposite direction to give a high lob , and leave it in neutral for something between the two .
20 Like the silkmoth , ants sense pheromones through their antennae ; but they make continual use of both antennae to keep them in the right direction .
21 My Higher Self was warning me that this project , though attractive , would take me in the wrong direction , and would be a costly mistake .
22 The Egyptian vulture , finding a clutch of ostrich eggs , picks up sizeable stones in its beak and with a nod of its head , tosses them in the general direction of the nest .
23 Bradford TEC responded immediately , helped me understand its systems and guided me in the right direction on form-filling , etc .
24 Daphne Rye once again had pointed him in the right direction .
25 Skirting the lakeside , she took a route which led her in the opposite direction from him .
26 ‘ We are trying to educate young people and point them in the right direction and I do n't think we are fulfilling our duty very well when we have a rule like this . ’
27 Well , gravity was stretching me one way-in the direction pointing to the centre of the hole — and crushing me in the sideways direction , right ?
28 Our manager will give personal attention to your enquiry and point you in the right direction if you wish to take the matter further .
29 Our manager will give personal attention to your enquiry and point you in the right direction if you wish to take the matter further .
30 Our manager will give personal attention to your enquiry and point you in the right direction if you wish to take the matter further .
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