Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] and gave [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He drew back and gave her a smile that made her blood thicken .
2 He stood up when she came in and gave her a big friendly smile .
3 At this Mum turned round and gave her a dirty look before she moved along with Dad , followed by the rest of us .
4 She felt her face go hot with embarrassment as he straightened up and gave her a piercing look that took in everything about her appearance .
5 Shep got up and gave himself a good stretch .
6 I was so surprised to see Ken , so relieved , that I rushed over and gave him a kiss .
7 If she sprang up and gave him a good shaking , every bit of public sympathy would be on his side .
8 Startled , she swung round and gave him a lame smile .
9 I went up and gave her a kiss and murmured felicitations in her one visible and lobeless ear .
10 She went back and gave him a light peck on the cheek .
11 They cut , and the actress scrambled up and examined her knees ; a woman from Wardrobe ran up and gave her a change of mack , and bent to apply panstick to her hands where they had been dirtied by the wrecker's-yard floor ; she checked her hose and brushed her hair and the actress shook her head slowly from side to side so that it fluffed .
12 And it but the erm the goats apparently were no problem today , they just stayed on and gave them a few bits and pieces you know so that was fair enough .
13 He sat up and gave her a quick smile which she supposed was meant to be reassuring .
14 Though — ’ he sat back and gave her a grim smile ‘ — I hope he 's not such a fool as to pay over the odds for your services . ’
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