Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 Colleagues , it 's approximately four twenty five , what I propose to do is to go on for a short period and to take in the resolutions on the , on your erm Maastricht erm and then we 'll have a look at the time , but I think we should be able to get those in within a , a relatively short period of time .
2 The heroes you have kind of linger on from a prior period when only a few records passed through your life , when you had the time to get fixated , spend weeks living inside a record .
3 This policy was to be carried over into the post-independence period .
4 And it , kind of faces both ways , it , it looks back to the early period of the development of Freud 's thought that we 've already spoken about , and its beginnings back in the eighteen nineties , and in certain other respects , it looks forward , to the kind of revolution that was going to occur after World War Two .
5 Let us take the example of a debt owed to Swannson-on-Wheels for haulage carried out over a four-week period ( throughout the United Kingdom ) on behalf of a computer manufacturer called Computex Ltd .
6 This was carried out over a three-week period using a mixture of interviews and questionnaires covering a representative sample of persons from the CSSU and the departments .
7 The APU surveys , carried out over the five-year period 1978–1982 , monitored the attainment and attitudes of large numbers of 11 and 15 year old pupils .
8 Again , many decisions which are successfully carried out in a given period may not turn out to have been the best possible courses of action .
9 In one case that I know of , a subsidiary of a major UK company got itself into difficulty through totally misunderstanding its product costs as engineering costs , written off as a lump-sum period cost , increased with the production of more advanced products .
10 With a low-start , low-cost with-profits endowment , payments are reduced in the first few years , and the difference has to be made up in the remaining period .
11 Seeds of Acer are rare compared with the leaves , which can be found in rocks dating back to the Cretaceous period .
12 The exquisite decor is tasteful and includes many antiques and paintings dating back to the original period .
13 They may also have missed out on the crucial period of sociability , relatively early in life , when dogs learn about their wider environment .
14 The counterfeit cheques , for sums between £20 and £60 , were made out over a five-month period from March last year .
15 Hence public debt , irrespective of whether it is domestic or foreign owned , involves a cost-influencing choice : at the time the decision is made ‘ forgone opportunities are experienced ’ ( p. 182 ) , but this has ‘ no connection with the fact that resources are used up in the initial period ’ ( p. 182 ) .
16 Birmingham had a tradition going back to the inter-war period for ‘ tough ’ and ‘ realistic ’ empirical research on the Soviet economy , which was unique among British universities .
17 Herodotus 's Histories and Aeschylus 's Agamemnon serve as touchstones for Brooke-Rose 's novel , for in going back to the classical period , it is able to return to the point at which these distinctions began to be associated with different ways of talking and writing attributed to fact and to fiction .
18 45133 and 50015 will then move on for a short period to the North Yorkshire Moors Railway before returning to Butterley .
19 Given that this reform will hit hardest those firms with most part-time workers , it is suggested that this change is phased in over a five-year period .
20 Bush did not indicate how the changes , which were to be phased in over a five-year period at a cost of up to $100,000 million , would be financed .
21 Advisers say the change — aimed at meeting European Community moves towards equality for the sexes — should be phased in over a 15-year period .
22 The tax will be phased in over a three-year period from July 1994 .
23 The duty , which was to have been phased out over a nine-month period to March 1991 , was dismissed as ineffective because shoppers would be able to circumvent it by buying in the West after July 1 .
24 It is fair to claim that those words have been amply borne out in the intervening period and are confirmed again in this order .
25 The origin of the synagogue goes back to the Babylonian period .
26 This level of pay was never conceived of as being a realizable objective for a statutory minimum wage that would be brought in over a short period of time .
27 By this time , Lou and Charlie had moved too — the business had been running down for a long period and there was no point in staying in a flat over a shop that did n't exist any more .
28 In expanding their empire , the British had habitually sought out local agents through whom to impose their authority , and though these arrangements often broke down after the initial period of contact , sometimes they did not .
29 We could also decide on points where the accompaniment could take over for a brief period , or perhaps form a dialogue with the melody .
30 The list of churches that have been burnt out during the Waiting period of redundancy is scandalously long .
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