Example sentences of "[verb] [art] various [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is thus quite difficult to ; distinguish the various princes of the family of Augustus .
2 The ability to retrieve information from a book or other source , using the various elements in the packaging such as the contents list , chapter headings , index and jacket blurb. 4 .
3 The Acts of Parliament which carried out the privatisations and established the powers of the regulatory agencies lay the various duties upon the Directors of the various industries and not upon the regulatory agencies as corporate bodies .
4 This , we hoped , would permit us to see the various stages of the project in operation from the time when a school began to plan its proposal to the time when the materials purchased with project funds were already in use .
5 This is then used as a basis for understanding the various forms of the capitalist state , and the transitions from one to another .
6 Furthermore , one can observe different subjects making differential progress in understanding the various stages in the transition from myopic to dynamically optimal .
7 We are now in a position to express our discussion in terms of a set of definitions : Appendix 2 to this chapter explains how the last expression can be used as a basis for illustrating the flow-of-funds accounts , with each of the bracketed expressions representing the various sectors in the economy .
8 Nevertheless , it is useful to know that numerous contemporary sources described the various hues of the wines of this period as ‘ pale coloured and tawny ’ , ‘ with a rosy tinge ’ or even like a ‘ partridge 's eye ’ .
9 It is getting harder by the day to isolate the various segments of the electronic publishing industry into neat little compartments .
10 Working-class men used the various associations of the working-class movement , developing particularly the trade unions and the Labour Party .
11 They found the various members of the company still rigid and separate , like a circle of tent pegs after the tent has blown away .
12 If the professional private sector end of the tourist industry can work together so , surely , must the public bodies currently charged with promoting the various parts of the Scottish tourism industry .
13 For instance , in the squatting ‘ demoiselle ’ Picasso had dislocated and distended the various parts of the body in an attempt to explain it as fully as possible , without the limitations of viewing it from a single , stationary position .
14 In this , an authoritarian voice addresses the would-be meditator in a series of injunctions to remember the various events in the Passion story and to pray for mercy .
15 The design of the time series package is complete and work on developing the various programs in the package is well advanced .
16 Final construction consists of fitting the various parts to the box and terminating the flying leads to their various destinations .
17 In fact , he says , they are rule governed and functional : ‘ In informal conversation they have a proper role , as they are one of the main means language has of expressing the various alterations in the force and direction of argument that we find ourselves using ’ ( Crystal , 1976 , p. 24 ) .
18 It uses Tungsten Plug technology , which helps integrate the various elements in the chip in as small a package as possible .
19 It uses Tungsten Plug technology , which helps integrate the various elements in the chip in as small a package as possible .
20 Local transport : Local buses link the various resorts on the lake ; though it 's much nicer to travel by ferry or hydrofoil .
21 Shortly after this , in 1821 , he began a series of experiments at Carrickfergus distillery on the design of a new type of still , with the twofold objective of allowing the distiller to check the strength of the spirit without requiring to have access to it , and securing the various parts of the still against any abstraction of the contents .
22 To enable researchers to report back on the results of recently completed research in the Scottish courts to an invited audience comprising the various branches of the legal profession , policy makers concerned with the administration of justice , pressure group and voluntary organisations and to stimulate an informed discussion of key findings .
23 The Edinburgh Green Belt Trust has been discussing this matter with its funding partners and it will be important for David Oldham to discuss the various views with the Urban Forestry Advisory Group .
24 The reasons for introducing terminology are that it will provide the reader a ) with confidence in using the microcomputer ; b ) with the knowledge to discuss the various uses of the microcomputer with colleagues ; c ) a basic knowledge of the microcomputer from which the reader can go on to discover other , more intricate aspects of the microcomputer .
25 Foulston himself wrote of the group that : ‘ it occurred to him that if a series of edifices , exhibiting the various features of the architectural world , were erected in conjunction and skilfully grouped , a happy result might be obtained .
26 The power of the suitors was divided between the sheriff or other officer who presided , and the committees or juries which were chosen to fulfil the various tasks of the body of suitors .
27 Figure 6.1 shows the various stages of the current system .
28 So you 've got the various sections of the diagram .
29 Some have as many as a hundred photographs and captions describing the various stages of the project .
30 The opportunity to discuss problems with members of other district societies was a great assistance to me in leading the various debates of the Southern Society during my presidential year and would certainly not have arisen without the opportunity to travel .
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