Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] what happen in the " in BNC.

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1 In recent years , however , the distinctions between these three approaches have become blurred , particularly in the area of empirical research : while there are major differences at the level of grand theory , liberal , radical and socialist feminists appear increasingly to agree about what happens in the classroom .
2 Yet if anyone 's patriotism should have been affronted by what happened in the islands , it was the Bahamians , for they were forced to endure the indignity of having another nation 's law-enforcement agencies operating in their waters .
3 Let's begin by looking at what happened in the past , as it will give some insights into what took place in Utah in 1989 and help us understand better why people reacted in the ways that they did .
4 Looking at what happened in the US under the push of liberalisation in the air transport market , you ca n't necessarily say it was better afterward , ’ Silvestri said , carefully avoiding to choose the US telecommunications system as his example .
5 Let us look at what happens in the nuclear family when Mr Patient dies .
6 How can we criticize it , how well does it actually fit into what happened in the real world , they just want little bits of information but not too much depth on anything but always remember empirical evidence examples are very important what I would do is using those examples or la last year 's exam paper , practise , practise the short answers because you ca n't write very much detail in it so it 's a good idea to have some idea about how much you can write , then your expectations will be changed okay .
7 The rest will depend on what happens in the economy and that , as I say , is a mess . ’
8 But does this not mean that God has to be affected by what happens in the world and that the challenges and frustrations which the world 's freedom continually presents to Him force ever new responses from Him , so that He is continually changing ?
9 The workings of the Atlantic Ocean are affected by what happens in the Indian Ocean .
10 In fact , how the rape survivor feels about her experience in the criminal justice process is more likely to be affected by what happens in the police station and then in the courtroom than how it is reported in the press .
11 Contrast what Richter was doing with what happens in the Sun .
12 Churchill commented that the " British people would not easily be influenced by what happened in the distant jungles of South-East Asia ; but they did know that there was a powerful American base in East Anglia and that war with China , who would invoke the Sino-Russian Pact , might mean an assault by hydrogen bombs on these islands " .
13 Generalization from one set of experimental conditions is daunting enough , but the real aim of a theory is to allow us to generalize to what happens in the real world .
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