Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [det] sides by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Historical and geographical facts were intertwined : the country had been ‘ founded in 1821 after fighting between the Zulus and the Boers ’ ; it was surrounded on all sides by South Africa and contained mountain ranges , and so on .
2 The fact that the country is surrounded on all sides by South Africa is ‘ not a bad thing ’ : it enables 50,000 Lesothan men to work in South African mines , returning with their ‘ pockets bursting with rands ’ .
3 The site of Castlerigg stone circle in the Lake District is an example , where the plateau on which it is sited is surrounded on all sides by mountain peaks .
4 The village of Villedommange is surrounded on all sides by vineyards which are a continuation northwards of the slopes of Écueil and Sacy .
5 In an eve-of-summit letter to fellow Government leaders , the Prime Minister — pressed on all sides by opposition to his plans — warned : ‘ We share a determination to reach agreement .
6 The cottage stood about two hundred yards back from the road , accessible only by a narrow drive flanked on both sides by stone walls .
7 The house stood on top of a low hill , joined to the main road by a narrow driveway flanked on both sides by dwarf conifers .
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