Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun pl] all over the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That philosopher , ’ said Scarlet , who seemed to have forgotten about going home , ‘ the one I was telling you about , he used to go galloping after women all over the place when his hair and his teeth were all falling out , and he used to write about the terrific compassion he felt for the human race , and his breath was foul .
2 and he could n't a job and then , I me I mean , he tried for apprenticeships all over the place and other jobs and he just could n't get one !
3 The small tools have come from yards all over the country .
4 The long , low church is decorated by paintings all over the exterior and interior walls , openings and window frames .
5 Judging by the results achieved so far it 's likely to be adopted by archaeologists all over the UK .
6 As early as 1955 a CAB sub-committee was set up by the national committee to consider hire purchase problems as seen by bureaux all over the country and by other voluntary organisations with experience of families in difficulty ; and in addition to recommendations about trade practices , about possible action by local authorities , and other things , which were sent to the appropriate associations or government departments , the deliberations of the committee produced results which were to have an influence on the trend and standing of much CAB work in the future .
7 Gulls travel for miles all over the countryside and the coast collecting their food .
8 Betsy was lucky she had many friends who relished her company by Old Father Thames , where they all congregated when evening came round , cuddling in clusters all over the ground .
9 Gone was the flattened-out effect ; a more contoured look was possible with these sticks that could be bought from chemists all over the country .
10 Wine is exported from areas all over the world .
11 He told me that the sacred water was bottled and sold to Irishmen all over the world for its healing powers .
12 They exhibit at shows all over the country , and the nursery at Woodmancote has become famous for it 's collection .
13 He sat with a small radar screen in front of him , writing up the small strips that are used by controllers all over the world , strips that have all the different aircraft information on them .
14 They will be affected for the rest of their lives by the kind of diet which is condemned by nutritionists all over the world as likely to lead to a whole variety of illnesses in later life .
15 Hundreds of thousands of personal pledges received from countries all over the world will be attached to the Tree of Life as a powerful visual expression of the concern of individuals for the state of the Earth and their commitment to protect it .
16 Offers of help for the Bosnian evacuees have been received from countries all over the world including Britain .
17 Components were stacked in piles all over the factory floor like the contents of an attic .
18 Average mothers , with ten children between them , expressing the typical anxiety ( shared with parents all over the world ) what their offspring eat this evening should be good , wholesome and , above all , safe .
19 With our London office , we are perfectly placed to compete with solicitors all over the country , and , what 's more , we charge less . ’
20 Since Ormesby was formed , thanks to a handful of enthusiasts , he has competed in tournaments all over the country .
21 The period from the building of the first cotton mills up to a restrictive parliamentary act of 1816 was the era of the factory apprentices — pauper children brought from workhouses all over the country to be indentured to misery .
22 The stamps show a gold coin , a bronze , a gemstone and a mosaic found at sites all over the UK .
23 Common dolphins are incidentally taken in fisheries all over the world — at least 8000 animals each year die in gill-nets and seine-nets .
24 The original was discovered as one of 115,000 samples taken from plants all over the world .
25 Perhaps Trine was telling the truth and Love Hearts were being taken at raves all over the country .
26 Many species of tropical freshwater , marine and coldwater fish are being successfully bred by fishkeepers all over the world .
27 This is the same waste that formed the cargo of the Syrian ship Zanoobia , which was denied permission to unload at ports all over the world in 1988 .
28 As one of five kids living in the shadow of Filbert Street , Dublin wrote to clubs all over the country and landed a chance at Norwich .
29 Between them they cut thousands of samples each year , binding the edges to stop fraying , applying heat sealed labels with an iron and despatching to destinations all over the country .
30 After the expiry of the Palestine mandate entrusted to Britain at the 1920 San Remo conference , the state of Israel , founded in May 1948 and since then cherished and sustained by jews all over the world , entered the state of war with its Arab neighbours which has persisted ever since , further stimulated by the activities of Palestinian militants and their sympathizers both in the occupied territories and farther afield .
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