Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] a [adj] proportion of " in BNC.

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1 For instance , it is estimated that around 1m of the 1.7m new jobs forecast for the mid 1990s will be in the professional and managerial areas , and demographics suggest that a substantial proportion of them will have to be filled by women .
2 These results suggest that a high proportion of the microorganisms living in the concretion survive by anaerobic respiration such as Fe(III) or sulphate reduction .
3 Reviewed in the light of these population shifts , the findings in subjects with phenylketonuria suggest that a high proportion of early treated subjects — not just a poorly managed minority — exhibit some degree of intellectual impairment and that the major impact is in early childhood before there is any question of relaxing or stopping treatment .
4 Despite the above difficulties , our results suggest that a significant proportion of potential transplant candidates is not being referred for transplant assessment .
5 The agreement follows surveys which suggest that a significant proportion of people would be prepared to pay a price premium of between 14 and 25 per cent for sustainably-harvested timber .
6 ‘ It might be expected that a substantial proportion of these also involved stolen vehicles , ’ he said .
7 Graduates , whom Smith classed as gentlemen , and men of £10 a year were privleged to dress like their betters ; it is also reasonable to infer that a sizeable proportion of those who feature in the various returns as minor landowners were in effect ex-officio gentlemen , qualified by tenure of lesser public appointments .
8 For example , in his national survey of household resources and standards of living , Townsend found that a higher proportion of older lone women than lone men had less than £100 worth of assets and fewer than six consumer durables .
9 In analysing tax schedules , the Messere study found that a higher proportion of taxpayers ( over 95% ) paid the basic rate in the UK than elsewhere , and that both the initial and top rates of tax on earned income were higher in the UK than elsewhere .
10 In his research on Mexico and Brazil , he found that a good proportion of his samples were interested in following national and international news on the radio and in the newspapers ( Kahl 1970 ) .
11 They found that a large proportion of the children had already spent the greater part of their lives in care .
12 ( Italian Railways found that a high proportion of passengers became travel sick on the train . )
13 However , in a regional survey of LEA policy initiatives in the arts , Tweddell ( 1988 ) found that a high proportion of LEAs had included the arts within their individual local priorities .
14 Otley found that a rising proportion of senior army officers had elite educational backgrounds .
15 The Bullock report ( DES , 1975 ) found that a significant proportion of the writing in primary schools that could not be characterised as " creative writing " was copied from source materials such as reference books .
16 The Guardian of April 3 reported that a large proportion of the candidates selected were " young and doveish " .
17 Since OCLC already have records from Missouri and New York Botanic Garden Libraries , I realised that a large proportion of our records would therefore already be in the OCLC system , and buying-in existing data is much cheaper than creating it as new records .
18 IT IS now a little more than three years since four biologists caused a minor uproar among molecular geneticists by publishing in Nature two papers in which they argued that a substantial proportion of the DNA of animal cells may exist for no higher purpose than its own propagation .
19 However , national and international figures are available and they show that a greater proportion of this country 's work force is in work than in any other European Community country except Denmark .
20 The numerous surveys of ( their own ) " temps " conducted by agencies supplying secretarial and office staff ( see , for example , Alfred Marks , 1982 ; Reed , 1986 ; Manpower , 1986 ) , whilst suffering from selectivity bias and/or containing leading questions , show that a substantial proportion of " temps " are looking for permanent jobs ; but they also suggest that some of these at least are using their experience of temporary jobs to find out what sort of permanent work they would like .
21 Even if it is accepted that a substantial proportion of any given unemployment rate is Keynesian in origin , Euro-pessimists fear that any expansion of demand to reduce such unemployment will hit up against supply-side constraints .
22 It will be seen that a high proportion of cases disappear after the issue of a writ , presumably either settled or discontinued .
23 The goldsmiths noticed that a large proportion of the gold was not withdrawn from the vaults and as a result they seized the opportunity of making profits by granting loans through the issue of ‘ receipts ’ in excess of actual gold deposits .
24 However , the traditional view argues that this factor only makes itself felt after a substantial proportion of total financing is in the form of debt .
25 The Army was also promised that a large proportion of the financial savings , which flowed from ending of National Service , would be ploughed back into major re-equipment and barrack rebuilding programmes to make regular service more attractive .
26 Since research into commercials consistently shows that a substantial proportion of viewers have difficulty with this type of commercial , this seems to be a mildly over-optimistic assumption .
27 This study is the first to provide data on lifestyle from a large sample of adults with cystic fibrosis outside a major clinic : although inevitably influenced by survival effects , the survey shows that a substantial proportion of patients with cystic fibrosis now live fulfilling and productive lives well into adulthood .
28 Townsend 's data shows that a higher proportion of the non-manual groups — 19 per cent — received paid holidays of five weeks or more compared to a very negligible proportion of the manual groups — 1 per cent .
29 Using data from the health and lifestyle survey shows that a lower proportion of the older age groups have a BMI within what is defined as indicating a correct weight ( see Table 6.10 ) .
30 Again from the Judicial Statistics 1989 , the table now looks like this : From these figures we can see that a high proportion of the cases disposed of in 1989 were personal injury actions ( 9,820 out of 12,859 ) hence the attention paid to this category of cases , and that in such cases for every 49 writs issued in 1989 , one case was determined by trial .
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