Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pers pn] give [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He astounded his American masters by demanding that they give him a more worthwhile job or he would be on his way home .
2 After being swamped by people demanding that we give them the freebie SEAL course , we have , after long and difficult nights of deliberation , come to a decision .
3 Erm yes three pictures that you might like to sell if you give me a price for them .
4 Bill thought I 'd died on him the other night cos I was , you know , me breathing and everything , and then all of a sudden I must 've relaxed for a bit and not needed to breathe and he give me a shock he says God I thought you were dead .
5 But he complains that I give him the impression that I am holding back and am not fully committed .
6 So he leaves them in a room where the locks open if you give them a threatening look . ’
7 * So I 've been a bad boy at times but they reckon I ca n't walk out on a job if I 'm in the Jungle and Matt 's temperamental which means he does n't normally work unless they give him a hamper full of white powder but he seems to have kicked it and there are n't too many dealers swinging through the trees like Tarzan out here .
8 You ask how they know and they give you a vague description about the pelvis , etc. etc. , and you go away not altogether satisfied with the explanations .
9 In the sense that you 've got no control over your portfolio at all , and it 's just invested and they give you a statement .
10 She comes up to the house and starts bellowing , and just will not stop until you give her a cuddle !
11 Lung are never short of ideas , but their appeal is seriously limited because they give us a small taste of everything on their creative menu but seldom enough of one thing to really satisfy .
12 you can write down these words , that would then be given you a clue things that you could be saying to your customers , where , right , if you start thinking about the job that you 're doing and I give you the word where , right you think of the number of times you can use the word where , with a customer , right
13 They have asked that we give them a similar quantity from each department .
14 But while the large number of coins means that they give us a large quantity of information , their small size and the consequent brevity of their inscriptions greatly restricts the level of interpretation we can make from them compared with , say , a lengthy edict of a Roman emperor fully inscribed on stone .
15 The Geophagus will tolerate London tap , but the Crenicara filamentosa and the Rams are doomed unless you give them the right conditions .
16 If you do not keep a dream diary , I strongly recommend that you give it a try .
17 But er no , we were talking and she said if I give you the money you wo n't go and spend it on the
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