Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] else have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I would like to know if anyone else has had to pay for shore dives as I am told this is an illegal practice .
2 We spent some more time moving around Leicester , going from tavern to tavern trying to discover if anyone else had seen Irvine 's strange companion .
3 In order that the CAA and AAIB can decide on appropriate action , they need to know whether anyone else has had a similar failure or found signs of overheating on one of these units and not told them about it .
4 Suddenly the section of the audience that was laughing at Italian children flinging spaghetti realised that everyone else had fallen silent .
5 you might also wish to pursue , or hope that someone else had pursued , the new Postgraduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law and Practice .
6 One person spent illicit hours at Saatchi 's designing our logo ; WTN allowed a lot of things to go through the system — printing , photocopying , artwork ; Gina got the entire staff of her office converted to the cause within weeks and it seemed that everyone else had done the same : soon members ' colleagues , friends and relatives were all helping out .
7 A second inventory was then ordered to see if anything else had gone missing , and Mme Huyghe 's disgrace looked to be complete .
8 He looks up , surprised , then glances round to see if anyone else has noticed .
9 But look a little more deeply and you will see that something else has happened too ; if a number of people have gone down with the cold , does not it mean that a number of people have not gone down with the cold ?
10 Then , waiting until everyone else had taken their pictures , I crept forward until I was only a few metres from the bird .
11 But Stanley , I think , gave that film a style it would n't have had if someone else had directed it . ’
12 This is purported to walk the grave yard at certain times of the year , but firm evidence of this I 've not been able to find ; you always hear that someone else has seen it but never first hand .
13 Rachel turned in the cramped space and saw that someone else had joined them on the jig .
14 He wandered along the Charing Cross Road , trying to think what to do next , Galahad on hearing that someone else had found the Holy Grail , Knight Errant without an errand .
15 Piggy felt that everybody else had held onto their civilised upbringing like himself and he was always very surprised when nobody tried to steal the conch , right to speak , from him , but everyone else knew that democracy and civilisation on the island had ended , and the conch had lost all of its power and worth .
16 If he had been aware that she 'd gone , he would probably have assumed that someone else had taken her home .
17 Donor organs are also possibly lost due to physicians avoiding raising the issue with relatives , although many relatives may find some comfort from knowing that someone else has benefited from their loss .
18 I 've got a couple of things I 'd really like to mention if no-one else has got anything .
19 The poser 's cafe had free newspapers and she filled in the crosswords shamelessly , was even miffed if someone else had got there first , especially with a blue Biro : Alex used a black Biro for crosswords .
20 We ca n't know what would have happened if it had tried something else , nor ( and this is important ) what would have happened if someone else had tried the original solution .
21 They waited until everyone else had gone down the steps .
22 If you leave your gear on stage , you may find that someone else has moved it for you , and they wo n't be as careful as you .
23 Good ideas rarely come out of the blue ; search carefully and you will often find that someone else has anticipated your inspiration or at least , thought of something similar to it .
24 Burun wondered if anyone else had noticed it , and he spoke again to divert Sipotai 's attention .
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