Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] [is] difficult for " in BNC.

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1 For people of my generation , children of the sixties , sex and freedom are so inextricably connected that it is difficult for us to accept that someone can be totally uninhibited in bed and still have a Reader 's Digest mentality .
2 But life moves on , times and lifestyles change and it is difficult for some to change with them .
3 We plumped for crimson and pinks with black , white and silver , and remember that it 's difficult for anyone to avoid using green !
4 ‘ I 'm not saying that women ca n't raise sons on their own , I 'm saying that it 's difficult for a woman to teach , and very near impossible , in my mind , for a woman to teach a young boy how to be a man .
5 A hyaena 's nasal membranes have a surface area fifty times bigger and the richness of the information they can gather is so great and varied that it is difficult for us to appreciate it .
6 A well trimmed model is much easier to fly and it is difficult for the beginner to trim a model without help .
7 Heading up high means that it is difficult for anyone to pass since you can always bear away down on to them , forcing them to sail in your dirty wind .
8 Does the hon. Gentleman really wish to imply that it is difficult for young children to buy cigarettes from a local corner shop ?
9 The result is that more rather than fewer cases are created , with staff conforming rather than innovating , for they realize that it is difficult for their superiors to complain of their being too efficient or too industrious .
10 I think that he knows that it is difficult for the Government to accept any proposal before the question of Community law is resolved , and also that his proposals are relatively controversial .
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