Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] for the [adj] reason " in BNC.

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1 As a result of the rebellion in 1745 , there was no election in the burgh of Montrose , and indeed there may well have been no elections in a number of other burghs , but Montrose stands out for the following reason .
2 They demanded bracket construction for the overhead wires , but this was turned down for the same reasons as those in Mitcham .
3 But this also breaks down for the same reason and so we resolve the problem by taking what is valid from thesis and antithesis to form a synthesis .
4 Coming out for the same reasons , Nicholas found him there and heard him make his excuses .
5 Furthermore , he contests , costs at the company have gone up for the simple reason that it has moved into different areas of activity — IBM simply made the mistake of trying to be ‘ all things to all people ’ , and so will never be able to return to the profit levels of the mid-1980s .
6 Extra midwives had been taken on for the same reason .
7 Lydia in the leading car was loth to hoot for fear of maddening the dogs and loth to get out for the same reason .
8 The clanking camisoles and the chain mail adornments of the sixties are certainly less static than the table decorations of the thirties ; they exist surely for the same reason , to invite comment .
9 Stories have been rejected outright for the simple reason that they were ‘ too middle-class ’ , though one editor was constructive enough to suggest the writer might want to replace ballet and riding classes with swimming and gymnastics .
10 While I think he is right to criticise those who propounded a social gospel earlier in the century he does so for the wrong reason .
11 An authority is justified , according to the normal justification thesis , if it is more likely than its subjects to act correctly for the right reasons .
12 B , on the other hand , who has always been resident in the United Kingdom , does likewise for the same reason .
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