Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] 10 per [unc] " in BNC.

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1 The riddle of the up-and-down interest rates — back down to 10 per cent yesterday .
2 Freeman ( 1980 ) estimates that 80 per cent of Bolivia 's farmlands and grazing areas are eroded in varying degrees , and rangelands are degraded down to 10 per cent of their original productivity .
3 The lack of ‘ teeth ’ in UK restrictive trades practices policy is in stark contrast to both the US ( where executives of colluding companies have been gaoled for conspiracy , in addition to the levying of substantial fines on companies ) , and the EC ( where a firm can be fined up to 10 per cent of its worldwide turnover ) .
4 Expenditure did fall quite rapidly between 1945 and 1950 as nations reconstructed their war economies , but between 1951 and 1953 expenditure rose again to 10 per cent in reaction to the Korean War and the heightening of Cold War tensions .
5 Mr Giles Phillips , catchment control officer for the Thames areas , said that voluntary restraint had saved up to 10 per cent of water supplies .
6 Reports said that the government had given assurances that there would be no retrenchment in the first year of privatization and that workers would be entitled to buy up to 10 per cent of the shareholding in their factories .
7 In July , the higher education institutions were told that they could anticipate up to 10 per cent .
8 For the long vacation we told institutions that they could anticipate up to 10 per cent .
9 China had been the largest single purchaser of US wheat for several years , buying up to 10 per cent of total US wheat production in some years .
10 The report made a series of recommendations on increasing CID strength , which has fallen sharply from 10 per cent of the force in 1973 to 7.4 per cent , despite an overall large increase in numbers and a recommendation by Her Majesty 's Inspectorate that provincial CIDs should make up 12.4 per cent of police .
11 In early January 1990 the crown was devalued by 19 per cent against the US dollar and other convertible currencies , and revalued upwards by 10 per cent against the rouble and other East European currencies .
12 The main tax rates remained unchanged , while most tax allowances and excise duties were increased in line with inflation ( 7.7 per cent over the 12 months to December 1989 ) , although some duties went up by 10 per cent .
13 The spread of readily available and simple means of contraception has meant that the wife is less likely to spend much of her life in the bearing and rearing of children and is more likely to seek employment outside the home , thereby developing a source of income and interests outside her traditionally defined role : ‘ … in Britain the proportion of all wives in paid work went up from 10 per cent in 1911 ( as it remained in 1931 ) to 26 per cent in 1951 and 42 per cent in 1971 ’ ( Young and Willmott , 1975 , p. 101 ) .
14 BOLA originally estimated that turnover would go up by 10 per cent if the current 6.30pm closing time were lifted , but Kelly believes the survey makes that figure look pessimistic .
15 Fares go up by 10 per cent in February .
16 Already shipping in Korea , the Sun clones could capture up to 10 per cent of the workstation market this year in areas where Sun has yet to cast its shadow , according to Logix managing director John Girdley .
17 Prices have remained relatively stable and have increased by about 10 per cent a year , according to John Morton Morris of Hazlitt Gooden and Fox .
18 The company said that the number of people eating in its Chef & Brewer and Berni restaurants had fallen by about 10 per cent .
19 The company said that the number of people eating in its Chef & Brewer and Berni restaurants had fallen by about 10 per cent .
20 1.25 Both sides should of course beware of " agreed " medical evidence that is , in fact , not agreed : orthopaedic reports on the one side referring to arthritic change being probable and on the other to its being possible ; or neurologists ' reports referring respectively to 10 per cent and 2 per cent epileptic risk are not " agreed " .
21 Intervention was confined to abolishing the Health Services Board set up by Labour to regulate private sector growth , stopping the phasing out of pay beds and allowing consultants on full-time health service contracts to earn up to 10 per cent of their NHS salaries from private practice without any salary deduction .
22 The Minister of State , Scottish Office , shakes his head , but he knows that the Government conceded this point when they announced that they would allow colleges to anticipate up to 10 per cent .
23 Nonetheless , R&D that is not related to defence has declined by about 10 per cent since Reagan took office , once inflation is accounted for .
24 Although the total numbers used in the USA are vastly higher , Rollin ( 1981 : 91 ) gives a figure of around 100 million for 1980 but this had reportedly declined by about 10 per cent by 1988 , the percentage breakdowns are remarkably similar .
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