Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun sg] [conj] put [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , the English soldiery hunted down every Irishman suspected of helping the French and put them to death in a variety of ingenious fashions .
2 He wiped the spanner and put it away with his other tools .
3 Remember when we got the lemonade and put them in lemonade .
4 He had lifted the phone and put it to his ear without ever coming properly awake .
5 but I know Kay was n't very pleased with Sister about these sort of erm stout things , cos Sister said well if they 're not collected by the time of the next jumble , we sort of empty the cupboard and put them all in for erm the jumble sale Kay said to me they 're not hers to do that with
6 It may actually paralyse the person and put them on erm a life-support machine .
7 The main reason they are not overcome is lack of time to discover the mistake and put it right .
8 Yeah , you 'll , you 'll hear that actually come in , if you disconnect one of those legs , if you disconnect that blue wire on there and then cease the intercom and put it back down again you know the relay clicking you 'll hear it come in and go back out again , there you go
9 But when on first hearing of this arrangement I tried to inform Miss Kenton of it , she once again refused to converse with me , and in order to accomplish matters as quickly as possible I was actually obliged to write a note and put it under the door of her parlour .
10 Cover the bowl and put it into the fridge for about 10 minutes , so that the gelatine just begins to set .
11 Now the Wye 's the only major river in England where anyone can bring a boat and put it on the water without any form of licence .
12 Salt 's great shoulders twitched as she turned the pie and put it back , but she did n't deny it .
13 Melissa rewrapped the tissue and put it in a drawer .
14 Sends them dozy and open the door and put them back in again .
15 However , if staff led by a head and one or two senior colleagues worked their way through these tasks ( and it might be more likely that senior staff themselves would have drafted the audit and put it forward for discussion , alteration and approval by others ) , they would be familiar with most of the important issues concerning the national curriculum .
16 At first I thought someone climbed the wall and put them there , but on the night I was chased by Gaveston 's dogs , I found that was an impossible feat .
17 You lay the knife beside the umbrella , heft the gun and put it under the duvet to click the safety off .
18 Georgiades finished the glass and put it down .
19 ‘ So only the person who served the lobster or put it on the plates could have poisoned it ? ’
20 Brownlow read the name and the rank , folded the slip and put it in his wallet .
21 Ray folded the article and put it back into the envelope .
22 Moxie folded the quilt and put it in the corner where the bed had been .
23 Tom folded the letter and put it into his pocket .
24 Carew folded the paper and put it down on the cluttered tray beside him .
25 When you he carefully folded the paper and put it in the desk on top of the blotter .
26 Arguing from vastly different viewpoints , compromise proved impossible , until Toohoolhoolzote mumbled : ‘ What person pretends to divide the land and put me on it ? ’
27 Get a forklift and put it in the bloody garden see .
28 And you 'd put that on top of the flimsy and you 'd close the book and you 'd take the book and put it in the letter press and squeeze it Archimedes theory of a screw and this thing My cousin later told me , was bought third hand in eighteen sixty nine .
29 To further pleas from Toby not to touch him I raced upstairs , grabbed a duvet and put it round him .
30 ‘ He can take a clock and put it back together again .
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